
Now that US academic institutions are like “correctional facilities for young adults,” here’s what college students have to say about it

It’s the same here at NYU, where I was hoping to go back into the classroom this semester, but won’t, because I can’t wear a mask for more than 10/15 minutes, and they’ve refused to let me (and other faculty who’ve asked) wear a face-shield instead.

(I should add that my younger son, who’s in the acting program at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, is taking a gap semester, as are many of his classmates, since you can’t learn acting via “online education.”)

As one friend says, this way of dealing with the (ever-diminishing) threat of COVID-19—mostly at the shrill insistence of a panicked professoriate—is like dropping a neutron bomb on higher education.

From Gary Kohls, M.D.:

From Jordan Schachtel’s Mass Illusion – a newsletter for people concerned about the “New Normal” – August 29, 2020 (4135 words) 

Subscribe to “Mass Illusion” at:


“Invisibly Present/Visibly Absent”: A great—and timely—art show by Sam Husseini

From Sam Husseini:

Hope you’re well. You may know me from my political and media work, but I’m having an art show, “Invisibly Present/Visibly Absent,” at the Jerusalem Fund near the Kennedy Center in D.C. The art is quite timely regarding the pandemic. It’s largely about our deformed relationship with Nature and interweaves political themes, including the dangers of nuclear and biological warfare and ecological disaster.

Most traditional art is like a rowboat — stroke, stroke, stroke. Much modern art is like a motorboat: automated. My art is like a sailboat — it works with the power of Nature. I use flora and fauna, rain and snow, see below.

There will be an online talk on Wednesday, Sept 2 at 3 p.m. ET. Hope you can make it, please feel free to spread the word. The art catalogue is here

Hopefully the gallery will be allowing viewing on a limited basis soon.

all my best,
Sam Husseini 


Masking ourselves to death: Part 1 of 3


I’ve completed the first half of an essay—more like a book—on the mask phenomenon (or cult). I’m sending it to News from Underground subscribers in three installments, as it’s pretty long. It’s not just about the mask mandates, and their scientific groundlessness, but about the power of war propaganda, and how best to see through it, and help others do so as well.

Let me orient you with a summary of the contents. After an introductory bit on the uncanniness of this moment (the August day when I started writing), Masking Ourselves to Death moves on to these subjects:

> The repressive measures used, since May, to enforce the mask mandates in Third World countries, China, and throughout Europe;
> The sudden turnaround by Dr. Fauci, and the CDC and WHO, each of them first discouraging healthy people from mask-wearing, then strongly urging everyone to mask;
> The brutality with which masking has been enforced by cops in the US, and the viciousness with which unmasked people have been treated by their masked fellow-citizens;
> The national blackout on such incidents by the media, which has highlighted only instances of violence by unmasked people;
> How the propaganda drive for masking—including the media’s one-sided coverage of such violence worldwide—recalls the formula for war-propaganda drives described by Hermann Goering during the first Nuremberg trials;
> How to “break the spell” of propaganda
1) “Keep your head” (i.e., use common sense, augmented by some knowledge of the past, and of developments beyond our borders);
2) “Pay close attention to those men behind the curtain (a summary of the many instances of COVID-19 “stars” like Dr. Fauci, the Cuomo brothers, the German president Frank-Walter Steineier and others not masking, usually off-camera, or otherwise flouting the very rules that they themselves have either imposed or vocally supported);
3) What the science says about the effectiveness of masks, and the media’s censorship/distortion of such evidence, and ad hominem attacks on those presenting it;
4) On “the science” finding that masks do prevent transmission of respiratory viruses (“science” that’s actually propaganda); 
5) What the science says about the ineffectiveness of masking by doctors performing surgery;
6) What the science says about the health hazards of masking among healthcare professionals—and what OSHA consultants say about it; 
7) What’s really happening, worldwide, to healthy people wearing masks, which badly sicken them, and even kill them, more often than we know;
8) How pro-mask advocates “argue” (“Put on a fucking mask!”), and how they themselves betray the very callousness and selfishness that they so lividly denounce (a section ending with a paragraph on the grotesque environmental toll of masking the world over). 

That’s a rough paraphrase, as there’s much more here than what I’ve just described. I’ll send the second and third parts of this first half over the next week or so.

I’m still at work on Part 2 (“Why is this happening?”), which gets into the real reasons for this propaganda push: an overview that sheds a lot of light on Bill Gates, and his “philanthropic” predecessors, among others. This second half will help us better understand what’s really going on, and the urgency of our uniting to resist it.

I’m sending you this section in the hope that you will share your editorial comments, corrections and/or whatever other examples you might think I ought to cite, so that I can incorporate them into the final version, which I’m hoping to publish (somehow) next month.

Many thanks for your time and attention, and for your interest in this matter; I hope you find it helpful, as I’ve put a great deal into it, as (I hope) you’ll see.


Mass anxiety shot up at the start of “the coronavirus crisis”(JAMA)

Unsurprising—but significant, since stress kills, too. 

Study link:


How “our free press” is trying to “debunk” the CDC update

Typically, this line “debunks” the CDC update by carefully avoiding its key point: that the vast majority of “COVID-19 deaths” were deaths caused by COVID-19 and serious comorbidities, among the very old. 

This propaganda blurp from the Miami Herald (and no doubt recycled everywhere) tightly focuses on whether, in those fatal cases, COVID-19 was the decisive factor, “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” so that those dead would still be living if they didn’t have that, too. That is “how infectious diseases work,” the doctor quoted tells the Herald‘s scribe.

Whatever. Whether COVID-19 did or didn’t finish off those people is beside the point, which is that the lockdowns were, and are, unnecessary. As sane epidemiologists have been insisting since this nightmare started, the rational response to “the coronavirus” would have been to quarantine those very vulnerable people—as always has been done during epidemics and pandemics—and let the rest of us lead normal lives.

Instead, our “leaders,” guided by the likes of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, locked down America almost entirely—a twisted policy that has killed countless people, well and vulnerable alike, by crashing the economy, thereby murdering millions with no serious illnesses; and, as for those people most at risk, not only separating them from family and friends, which isolation did them in (the cause of that weird “COVID peak” in April, as Denis Rancourt has shown), but also killing tens of thousands more of them by ordering nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients (a lethal practice carried out not just in the US, but in Canada, too).

In short, they gave us the worst of both worlds, ostensibly to “keep us safe” from a virus that posed little risk to all but just a few of us, as the CDC update has made clear to anyone who still has eyes to see with.

Article link:


Twitter removes Trump’s tweet re: CDC’s updated figures on the “COVID-19 death” rate


Scientist/activist Sol Millin, arrested for organizing COVID protest in Australia, sees what’s happening (MUST-WATCH)

Washington Post on a young filmmaker’s “descent into coronavirus vaccine conspiracy theories”

What about the Washington Post‘s “descent” into totalitarianism?

Remember who owns it.

Article link:


The Atlantic tells us to stop talking

The American magazine that was the first to publish abolitionist writings is now pushing global slavery.

Gates owns it now:

Article link:


Look in that black mirror, and what do you see? / “Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg lookin’ back at me”

A deep dive into what they all have planned for us.