
Berkeley citizens blocking AT&T’s illegal 5G installation forcibly removed by city cops

Fascism, that is.

For Immediate Release

In the dark of night, police back AT&T in clash with Berkeley neighborhood over 4/5G antennas 

Stand off!  Berkeley police do AT&T’s bidding, forcefully removing residents who were trying to prevent wireless antenna installations in the public commons.

October 6, 2020, Berkeley, CA

Long before 1:00 AM on October 5, twenty people arrived for two vigils in north Berkeley in hopes of stopping installations of “small” cell wireless antennas on utility poles in the public rights of way at Monterey Market and near Berkeley Natural Grocery. Workers arrived at 3:30 AM and called police. Seeing that they would not leave of their own accord, Berkeley police forcibly removed the people. Grounding wires were installed, but not the antennas and meters.

Former Planning Commissioner Clifford Fred who lives nearby said, “I’m shocked that city officials knew that AT&T violated Berkeley Municipal Code 16.10.040 by not notifying people within 500 feet of the 1321 Gilman or 1550 Hopkins poles before the controversial cell towers were approved, but let AT&T get away with violating the city laws. Officials used to care but now are keen on letting big telecom companies have their way.”

Because neighbors and activists had prevented work eight times in recent months by refusing to leave three sites when workers arrived, ATT had beat them to the sites on September 21, noisily setting up tall chain link fences at 2:00 AM, then waiting until 7:00 AM, when Berkeley law allows work to begin, to install ancillary equipment. Since then, an elder and a young neighbor have slept in a tent on site. This week, “pole protectors” beat the workers to both sites, but were dragged across the street by police.

Cynthia Papermaster, who wondered if her arm was being broken as she was hauled off, said, “More important than my pain is that we were removed from a public sidewalk so that a private multibillion dollar company, with help from local cops paid by our taxes, could perform non-essential work in the middle of the night against Berkeley’s laws.”

Jason Winnett wrote of the incident to the City Council, “I exercised my constitutional rights where crews were attempting to erect a cell tower which has been protested, clearly unwanted by residents.  According to my understanding, there were actions by private parties as well as Berkeley police that have questionable legality… 24 hours later, I am experiencing lingering injuries, pulled muscles from being handled roughly.  I was appalled to witness women in their 70’s, concerned citizens, who after being up in vigil all night, were roughly handled by a large number of young, strong officers… We seem to be heading into what is known as fascism.”

Sargent Ronnie Hernandez asked a co-founder of WIreless Radiation Education & Defense (WiRED), Phoebe Sorgen, what the fuss is about.  She replied, “Antennas emit EMF/RF microwave radiation that sickens people and harms flora and fauna. They increase fire risks, and overloaded, weathered poles sometimes fall! Business and property values plummet nearby. 5G is an energy glutton, too. Wired connections—whether copper or fiber—will always be faster, greener, safer, more reliable, and more secure than wireless. We need to preserve our right to privacy. Furthermore, there’s no ATT service gap here, and the people don’t want it. It’s only about greed.”

ATT has permits to install twelve more antennas, many near residences, schools, and healthcare facilities. Most of the permits expired in August, but were extended until 2021, though the public had urged the City Manager to exercise her option of requiring ATT to reapply. WiRED, which has been lobbying and educating locally for the past three years, hired Ariel Strauss of Greenfire Law to craft stronger local laws and lobby for them.

Press Contact:  Phoebe Sorgen
Phones: 510-528-9428 home/main
510-919-6431 cell

photos available upon request.   90 sec. vimeo:

peer-reviewed studies:



Assessment of the COVID-19 crisis—and the quiet rollout of 5G—by the Association of French Reserve Army Officers

This meticulous report was completed in late May, when it was not for general distribution;but it was then translated into English, and published (imperceptibly) on Aug. 27.

I’ve just had time to scan it; but, on that rough basis, it appears to be a very thorough, tightly argued and quite harrowing analysis of what’s gone down, what we’re all living through, and what some of us are fighting. It is especially enlightening on 5G. 

Report link:


Switzerland did not ban 5G rollout (despite mass protests, 5G-injured families, scientists’ concerns)

Macron vows to roll out 5G by the end of this month, despite broad opposition

Other than Switzerland, which halted its rollout over health concerns, has any other European country banned it? (And did Switzerland reverse itself?) France was a holdout, until now. 

The nations of the West are ruled by despots taking orders from a global syndicate intent on wiping nations out, along with most of those who live in them. 

Article link:


US 5G is “notably SLOWER” than 5G in other countries

So all that crapola re: how 5G will enable us to “instantly” download our favorite cyber-distractions is just that: crapola.

Article link:


5G base stations use up to 3-and-a-half times more energy that 4G infrastructure

How “green” that is!

(All that intensified surveillance draws a lot of power.)


Some promising developments—and an urgent warning

From Lila York:

Folks, there are several critical developments happening now that give us all hope that we can save our democracy, our constitution and our freedoms and try to recover our humanity and our culture in full. I am going to link a few articles and urge you to read them.

1 – Doctors across the US write an open letter to Dr. Fauci testifying that HCQ+ zinc cures the virus in phase one and demanding that he support its use on an outpatient basis which will save hundreds of lives.

2 – 640 German doctors inaugurate the covid19 extra -parliamentary inquiry committee. stating that the virus, though real, is a typical flu and that the covid 19 pandemic is a global scam. “The two key questions are 1 – Who would do this and 2 – Who benefits”. They will be joined by hundreds of doctors from across the globe.
– 3 minute introduction in English
– 29 minute detailed explanation of the project in German with English subtitles.

3 – From CDC data, 2020 has the lowest weekly death rate in a decade – so far. Where is the pandemic?

4 – Grass roots organization make Americans free again

5 – I watched a two hour video on 5G satellites and their effects on the planet, animals, plants and humans hosted by Arthur Firstenberg, the world’ s foremost expert on electricity and electro magnetic fields and author of The Invisible Rainbow, a book everyone should read. His conclusion was that we must stop 5G satellites before they are activated mid- September, and the only route he knows for that is for everyone on the planet to understand how dangerous smart phones and wifi are and throw away their cell phones, ending the demand for 5G and giving the governments no way to track human movement and action. Video is up only this weekend. (You can start halfway through, since Firstenberg did not join until late)
shorter video by him here :

There are some very unsavory powerbrokers with totalitarian plans for us. They are not hiding it. It goes by “Agenda 2030,” now sped up to be agenda 2020, “ID 2021”, an inserted tattoo chip under our skin containing our financial and medical records, The great reset. and – worst of all – “transhumanism” – essentially turning all humans into robots by altering our DNA via injection.  At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, the corporate members cackled with glee saying that the virus gave them “such a wonderful opportunity to inaugurate “The Great Reset”—meaning one-world government, one-world currency, all naturally produced food replaced by GMO food, the end of nation-states, global surveillance of all humans, and a greatly reduced global population. For starters I will just say that without hard cash currency there is no freedom. Those digits in the cloud can be erased at will, and a new “social credit system” means that if you step out of line, you can lose access to your money – among other freedoms. Their goal is global control of all humans. To me this is no different from slavery. So let’s put this information together We have doctors celebrating the discovery of a cure for a lame virus whose presence is dying down to zero, whose mortality numbers peaked in April and have now declined to zero.We have the media ignoring that data and initiating another fear campaign based on fake data. We have doctors around the globe declaring that the pandemic was a fraud and is being perpetuated in the media to serve profits for big pharma. We have the telecoms willy nilly putting thousands upon thousands of satellites into orbit to saturate the earth in man-made 5G radiation  and obliterate the night sky without even the smallest attempt to study the effects on the earth, the ionosphere or on us.

This is my own conclusion:  When Salk discovered the polio vaccine and offered it to the world for free there was joy across the world. It meant an end to that horrific disease. Last week doctors across the US announced a cure for the virus called covid 19 . Was there joy across the land? Did CNN  cheer on the doctors who brought this cure to the public? No. the opposite happened. They accused doctors of impeccable reputations of being “quacks”—GPs and ER doctors of long standing. They included the renowned epidemiologist head of the Yale School of Public Health in their slander. Google removed not only the video of the doctors’ press conference from youtube (now back up at bitchute), but also removed their own website, America’s Frontline Doctors
(now restored)  All news networks are utterly dependent upon big pharma advertising to pay their bills. And big pharma no doubt ordered the shutdowns They have billions in potential profits at stake in forced, mandatory vaccines – none of which are now needed, since there is a safe, effective, and very cheap cure (10 cents per pill for HCQ). widely prescribed for 60 years, long out of patent, so big pharma cannot make money from it. Bottom line – they preferred to see Americans die for lack of access to HCQ than lose their billions from an experimental vaccine that has never been used on humans and never tested on animals. That told me all I needed to know. What it told me is that there is some other motive or list of motives behind this trumped up pandemic – likely universal control and surveillance of citizens. The refusal of governments and media to cheer the discovery of a cure tells us all that it is a fraud upon the people of the globe.

As for 5G radiation poisoning, the 5G satellites are scheduled to be activated mid-September. Millions will become sick from them and some will die from hypoxia. The media will claim the dreaded “second wave of the virus” has arrived or announce some other new virus in its place as a coverup to the lethal effects of 5G. The infamous “deep state” needs 5G to nail down its control of us and operate our cars. (Tesla remote-driven cars routinely crash, fall apart and burn up – not so sure the CIA will have an easy time on that.) I will add here an article I wrote a month ago. I held it back from most of you because what we are fighting is way scary.

by Lila York

Raise your hand if you don’t like the way God created us and think that Bill Gates should be allowed to improve on God’s work by altering our DNA with injected genetically modified nano-particles. No?  Okay.

Raise your hand if you think that the solution to overpopulation is to sterilize every man and woman on earth with millimetre electro-magnetic frequencies.  No? Okay.

Raise your hand if you would like your newborn infant to be injected with formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, Polysorbate 80, dog brains and DNA from aborted fetal tissue. No?

Raise your hand if you want the CIA to drive your car for you. – and incidentally run it into a guard rail if they don’t like something you write on Facebook.  No?

Raise your hand if you think all churches, synagogues and mosques should get the wrecking ball and be eliminated so that God can be replaced by Amazon’s robots.  No?

Raise your hand if you knew that all of the above are being planned for us and are already in process courtesy of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation.  No?

Then raise your hand if you are willing to defy the government and the telecoms, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and refuse to consent to any of the above and so remain fully human and drive your own car.

Bill Gates’  brave new world will be missing the things that fuel our yearnings and right our moral compass. Things that make us cheer and weep. Imagine a world without Mozart, without Shakespeare’ s plays, Dickens’  novels,  or Jane Austen’s. Without the Rolling Stones or Bach, without Balanchine or break-dancing, without  Van Gogh or Jackson Pollock, without La Boheme or Les Miserables. without Citizen Kane or Star Wars. A world where nobody falls in love or mourns the death of a parent. That is the world Bill Gates is planning for us: a world bereft of human expression, human searching, human joy; a world where God is no longer within us.



Will people dropping dead from 5G be reported as COVID-19 cases?

That may be the “second wave” that Bill Gates, barely able to conceal his smile, warned of a few weeks ago—a “second wave” of deaths by 5G, which will be used to further panic people into getting those injections. The time to stop 5G is now, whatever that may take.

From Les Jamieson:

At the behest of the White House, the Pentagon has found a way to facilitate and fast-track the use of satellites to immerse the planet in electro-magnetic frequency for 5G wireless networks. This is a stark example of the agenda laid out in the Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2020 in which military and intelligence agencies, and commercial interests work in tandem to ensure the entrenchment of 5G wireless technology. The Pentagon has proposed to share 100 megahertz of spectrum it uses for military purposes. Although this particular move utilizes “mid-band” frequencies from 3450 to 3550 MHz , rather than the higher millimeter frequencies, the overall effect of pushing wireless over superior quality wired technology and dragging the public into a technocratic dystopian reality is the same. This will result in higher saturation of elctro-magnetic pollution surrounding us. From, “5G is seen as vital not just for telecommunications but for self-driving cars and a host of other devices — the Internet of Things —that require constant low-latency, high-bandwidth data sharing to function.” 

For those not familiar with the Internet of Things, think of “smart home” devices from door bells to appliances, smart meters, and gadgets like Alexa. According to chip-maker, Intel, “Our IoT world is growing at a breathtaking pace, from 2 billion objects in 2006 to a projected 200 billion by 2020. That will be around 26 smart objects for every human being on Earth!”. (See This is just the beginning. Plans are well underway for smart cities, even smart “wearables”, and much more. Along with all this wireless ubiquity is the continued accumulation, Big Data, further loss of privacy.

This move to give up military spectrum for commercial uses is also framed as beneficial in the competition with Chinese telecom giant, Huawei, to dominate the 5G markets as well as avoid potential security risks. This is a very false argument. Again, there is no recognition of the inherent vulnerability of wireless networks and the low to zero probability of hacking fiber optic networks, which have already been paid for and partially built out.

Additionally, the much-touted policy argument that new wireless technology is necessary to provide internet access to rural and suburban America is being used. Yet there is no recognition that homeowners throughout the country are opposing 5G small cells in their communities due to the fact that property values decline 20-25%. This is a significant financial hit. Why the loss in value? Enough people have been injured, and enough people have become informed of the peer-reviewed scientific research highlighting the biological harm of electro-magnetic frequencies. Satellite-based 5G emissions will devalue far more than homes. What we are seeing is an existential threat to all living things for a technology being driven by the lust for profits, total surveillance capability as exists in China, and by extension the capability for control of the masses. Liberty will be a distant memory.

Is there any reason to believe the Pentagon, the FCC, and the telecoms, as the main forces behind 5G and wireless technology in general are simply unaware of the various damages that will result? They are as aware as the tobacco industry was aware of the negative impact of nicotine and the many chemicals used in manufacturing cigarettes. Unlike tobacco products, the public will have no choice in being exposed to 5G frequencies and beyond.

This 100 Mhz of spectrum will be auctioned off in December of this year. Now, there is an urgent need to lobby government officials, the financial sector, and mainstream media on the dangerous path being taken when a better, faster, truly smart internet option exists. This is about  standing for the fundamental right to preserve our health, safety, and privacy. This is also about demanding that official government agencies paid for by taxpayers create policies that protect the public interest. Otherwise, we have corporate dictatorship which only sees profit as the further accumulation of debt-based fiat currency and share prices. Destruction of human health, the planetary biosystem, and the earth’s electro-magnetic equilibrium is inexplicably overlooked.

For more on the recent move to give away military spectrum to  commercial interests, see:

Time is not on our side. Please spread the word.

Les Jamieson
New Yorkers 4 Wired Tech


COVID-19 hasn’t slowed the catastrophic “race to 5G” (whose dangers will make cigarettes look like lollipops)

Part I of an investigative piece from May, now timelier than ever.

BTW, we can thank Obama/Trump, and, of course, the FCC, for pushing this—and the New York Times/Verizon, among others. 

From Gary Kohls:

Note to Anti-over-vaccination colleagues: Given the fact that 1) 5G is known to damage DNA and, given the fact that 2) vaccines are also known to cause DNA damage, shouldn’t the vaccine corporations and their supporters in the NIH, the CDC, the NIAID, etc be forced to acknowledge the high risk of synergistic DNA damage and therefore be required to do extensive testing on all categories of potential patients (7 billion, according to Bill Gates) who are going to be at risk of exposure to both toxins simultandously (5G and each of the new experimental vaccines)?

Basic medical ethics would require doing double-blind safety testing on all age, racial, pregnancy, chronic illness, etc categories that will be at risk. Discuss. GGK 


URGENT: Signatures due by 8:00 p.m. TOMORROW, to stop the FCC’s approval of (untested) 5G rollout!

Link to letter: