
For-profit healthcare was illegal in the US until Richard Nixon did his friend and funder Edward Kaiser (as in Kaiser Permanente) a catastrophic favor

From three years ago.


Nancy Pelosi is as addled as Joe Biden, though for a different reason

The lady is a drunk.

Today’s Democratic Party is, at best, an embarrassment—a “Resistance” as corrupt as the performer whom it claims to be “resisting,” and headed (ostensibly) by rich poseurs in such severe decline that they’re incapable of hiding it, and that makes Trump look like he’s really on the ball.

CORRECTION re: Facebook and 2005 chloroquine study

On Friday, I sent out an email with a subject line asserting that Facebook had blacked out the 2005 study, published in the Virology Journal, finding that HCQ “is a potent inhibitor of SARS-Cov infection and spread.”

There I was echoing what a FB friend had told me; I should have checked, because it isn’t true (unless there WAS a blackout that’s been lifted). Right now that article is up all over FB.

However, it’s noteworthy that, when you search FB for “chloroquine is a potent inhibitor,” the FIRST thing that comes up is this gratuitous “fact-check”—clearly a bit of ammo to be fired by trolls assigned to “debunk” that important article:

This is a good example of the vigilance and subtlety with which the FB/Google/Twitter juggernaut polices efforts to correct the COVID-19 propaganda narrative (and every other major propaganda narrative still flourishing today).


A Florida doctor explains what’s really happening there re: COVID-19, and nails the “criminal” restrictions on, and lies about, HCQ+

Other than his assumption (common among conservatives) that “the left” is driving the Big Lie, mainly re: Florida—the cooked numbers of “cases,” the misinformation about hospital capacity, and the blackout of the effectiveness of HCQ—Dr. Morris’s corrective statement is right-on.

Please share this far and wide, and download.

A Tampa doctor speaks out against the madness over HCQ (MUST-WATCH)

Please share this far and wide.

Video link:


Thousands of Germans protest COVID totalitarianism

How many thousands? I’ve read that 800,000 were officially estimated to have marched, while organizers claimed a turnout as high as 1.3 million. This Reuters piece claims that 17,000 marched; and—crucially—that the far-right presence was “small.” (Look for this protest to be dismissed by “our free press” as a neo-Nazi gathering, like anti-lockdown protests in the US.)

In any case, this is an encouraging development, in a land whose history has taught them to beware blind obedience to the government out of fear and anger.

Celia Farber has sent out this link:

From Alon:

Here you go..

Neo-Nazis, others hold massive Berlin protest against virus restrictions. Some 20,000 people rally outside Brandenburg gate, calling pandemic ‘the biggest conspiracy theory’; politician dubs protesters, who shun masks and social distancing, ‘Covidiots’

Article link:


Dr. Simone Gold was “summarily fired” for speaking out re: her successful use of HCQ to treat COVID-19

How is this okay? Were she and all those other doctors lying? If not, what could possibly justify such punishment, all the censorship (YouTube took down the video of the doctors’ press conference at SCOTUS), the relentless smear campaign against Dr. Immanuel, and—above all—the jeering press consensus that those doctors perpetrated a “hoax” by speaking out about their use of HCQ?

A journalist friend tells me that she sent the video to some NY Times reporters, who replied that those doctors are “quacks.” (They know that how?) That’s to be expected from an outlet heavily dependent on Big Pharma’s advertising revenues, which have long kept the Gray Lady in denial on many dangers to the public health, just as the cigarette industry once did with ITS largesse, and, before then, the cottage industry in patent medicines.

But what is the excuse of all those liberals and “progressives” who’ve piled on? Do they hate Trump so much that they can’t handle any evidence that he’s been right about this issue? If that’s the reason, then they’re as bad as they keep screaming he is re: COVID-19, since this vast blackout on HCQ, not only as a remedy, but as an effective prophylactic in small doses, is killing people in those states that are reportedly now seeing an uptick in serious cases.

In asserting that HCQ doesn’t work, and that it kills, though HCQ DOES work, and DOESN’T kill, Big Pharma and the Gates/Fauci syndicate have, through “our free press,” turned the USA into George Orwell’s Oceania, where “WAR IS PEACE” and “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.”

Article link:


Dr. Fauci, big supporter of a COVID-19 vaccine, was a big supporter of the H1N1 vaccine that caused brain damage in children


Another “leftist” heard from

If you don’t recall my email about UC Berkeley moving its entire curriculum online, click here to reread it; then get a load of this response, from a member of the “Action Greens” list-serve.

(This response was sent to me by one Dean Tuckerman, who presented it to me as if he weren’t Dean Tuckerman; but since he responded AS Dean Tuckerman to my brief reply, he must be he.)

I find his livid take on what I wrote as startling as his eagerness to have me see it. Perhaps he should spend less time in that mask, as the hypoxia is making him irascible, and none too thoughtful.


Hi Mark,
I forwarded your post to the ActionGreens listserve. Here’s one comment, from Dean Tuckerman:

Absurd and bullshit. Teaching online if done correctly could get more students from all over the world to get an education. I don’t want to speak for dead people, but Mario Savio would have probably said “hunh” to this silly argument.

An argument like “Bill Gates had something to do with computers therefore anything that uses a computer is his fault.” is insulting to all the tech workers who actually designed and built the computers that gates profitted off.

This argument is as bad as the illumlnati crap we sometimes see on this list.

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?”
Rabbi Hillel (Pirke Avot 1:14)


Federal appeals court VACATES death sentence in Boston Marathon bombing

Kudos to Paul Craig Roberts for his heroic work on this case.