
On the FBI’s “investigation” of the 2001 anthrax attacks, and its relevance to COVID’s true origins and Dr. Fauci’s emails


Dr. Fauci’s emails (so far largely unreported) show that he lied, under oath, about SARS-CoV-2 origins, “vaccines” and masking

Tucker Carlson nails it.

(But one does have to wonder how it is that Fauci’s emails have now come to light—and via BuzzFeed, usually a sturdy fount of globalist propaganda. That such a thing has happened now, posing a real threat to the patinas of both Fauci and Bill Gates, is remarkable, to say the least.)


Don York, R.I.P.

From Lila York:

Today we lost a beloved member of our family. The Paul Taylor Dance Foundation mourns the death of our longtime Music Director, Don York. In 1976 Mr. Taylor commissioned him to compose the score of “Polaris,” a study in contrasts that illustrated Don’s enormous range. He went on to compose the sunny melodies of “Diggity,” propulsive score of “Syzygy,” and haunting music of “Last Look,” as well as compose or arrange several other works. Don conducted for the Paul Taylor Dance Company for five decades, including our most recent partnership with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s at Lincoln Center. We will dearly miss his consummate artistry, warmth, wit, and passion.


Francis Boyle’s text on the COVID-19 “vaccination” program as a violation of the Nuremberg Code

From Josh Mitteldorf:

ChestertonEagle is dead.

I believe this may be the text:

Notice – By authority of the Nuremberg Code On Medical Experimentation, I do hereby exercise my right to refuse to submit to or to administer the Covid-19 vaccine.

The United States Government has persecuted, convicted and executed medical doctors who have violated the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation.

Aiders and abettors of Nuremberg Crimes are equally guilty and have also been persecuted, convicted and executed.

Francis A. Boyle

and you can find it at Rense


What to do if your college/university—whether you’re a student there, or work there—has mandated COVID-19 “vaccination”

From Kathy Dopp (who offers further guidance in a brief addendum here):

This is from Sasha Grams:

Dr. Frances Boyle PhD, JD is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law who specializes in the Nuremberg Code and bioweapons law. He helped author an international bioweapons treaty: the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989. He believes the COVID-19 vaccines are bioweapons. He has put together a notice of refusal to either receive or administer COVID-19 vaccines for people being pressured to do so by schools or employers as well as healthcare professionals who do not want to administer these injections. He recommends giving this notice to your employer or school first, then contacting a lawyer. Here is a link to his notice:

I’ve also included a handout with his notice on the front and a copy of the Nuremberg Code on the back. You could present this to an employer or school pressuring you to take a COVID-19 vaccine. You can also print a bunch of these out and leave them in coffee shops, bookstores, gas stations etc. That way you can get around the internet censorship and reach people who wouldn’t normally see this information elsewhere. I think most people who are dialed into pro-freedom alternative media platforms are already aware of this information. But those who aren’t remain oblivious to it. So that’s who we need to reach. It helps that some in the Main Stream Media (like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham) have recently begun to explore issues with these vaccines. A big part of our problem is that most people don’t even realize they are trapped in “digital ghettoes” where their sense of reality is heavily distorted by censorship and disinformation.

If you haven’t heard of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, he is a German-American attorney with a license to practice law in both California and Germany. He is leading a group of hundreds of lawyers internationally who are working on bringing charges for crimes against humanity and Nuremberg Code violations associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, including forced business closures, fraudulent PCR tests and of course vaccine mandates and the lack of informed consent with these vaccines. This international legal effort is being dubbed “Nuremberg 2”. Here is a link to an inspiring interview Dr. Fuellmich recently gave in which he states that preliminary trials will begin within the next couple of weeks.

These trials could eventually extend to every school and employer that mandated these EUA COVID-19 vaccines. So help is on the way. If people can just avoid these injections a little while longer I think the tide is about to turn in favor of justice and humanity. Here is a link that explains how to join the Reiner Fuellmich lawsuit:

Robert Barnes is a prominent constitutional attorney who explains in detail how employers are setting themselves up for all kinds of liability and litigation by mandating these vaccines in the following video:

Here is a link to a COVID-19 vaccine refusal letter that Robert Barnes has written which you can copy and paste into your own document:

He argues that COVID-19 vaccine mandates violate not only the terms of the Emergency Use Authorization and the Americans with Disabilities Act along with other federal, state and international laws. He also states that any employer mandating these vaccines is taking on HUGE, potentially lifetime, tail liability for any adverse effects associated with these vaccines that occur even years later in the employee upon whom the vaccine was mandated. The vaccine manufacturers have liability protection for adverse effects associated with their products but employers do not have this protection. And, as Reiner Fuellmich argues, even the legal immunity enjoyed by vaccine manufacturers does not protect them from prosecution for deliberately harming people.

I hope this information is helpful to your friend and others. Sasha Grams

Also, please look for more advice on how to assert the right to informed consent here:

FYI, if you get a message re. “security” when attempting to load a page on my site, just ignore it and continue to the site because it does not sell anything or collect any information from any visitors to the site, and does not use cookies, so no https:: security is necessary.


West Point strong-arming cadets to risk their lives by getting jabbed


Yet another unreported tragedy caused by that infernal “vaccination” drive

From Lila York:

Note: there is always that caveat ” a vaccine that is still experimental”. Both Pfizer and Moderna have applied to FDA for full approval. How they manage that with massive numbers of deaths and injuries I can’t figure. But they may.

And FYI: My ex, composer Don York, got 2 moderna shots, massive clots and a huge brain hemorrhage. He is now brain dead and has been taken off life support. He was in the middle of writing a major opera. We are all heartbroken here. He is the 6th person I know who died or was injured from the injections, though the only person I personally grieve.


Let’s BOYCOTT Branch-Covidian businesses in NYC (and elsewhere), and find our own clandestine spots to eat/drink, and enjoy music!

It was the East End Bar & Grill, 1664 1st Ave. in NYC, that refused service to NFU subscriber David Penner, because he had no proof of “vaccination.” Let’s spread the word that only lemmings go there to eat and drink.

Alan Young, an editor at New York Music Daily (and one of us), wrote me with this great idea:

GatesCuomo’s trying to weaponize music venues as well. Here’s the relevant New York state boilerplate:

Genius marketing: Build a clientele who’re going to be dead next year.

Obviously, not all venues are doing this. But there’s never been a better time to support our circle of clandestine venues and speakeasies—or start one!

Alan Young
The Editors
New York Music Daily/Lucid Culture


A new book on the Zyprexa scandal, and Eli Lilly’s drive to crush the lawyer who broke it open (through Alex Berenson, then at the NYTimes)

From: “Jim Gottstein” <>
Subject: [PsychRights] Hardcover of The Zyprexa Papers Available
Date: June 2, 2021 at 2:01:57 PM AKDT
Reply-To: “Jim Gottstein” <>


The hardcover edition of my book, The Zyprexa Papers, is now available from Amazon here for $34.95.   It is also available for the same price from Barnes & Noble here, and most book stores, at least in the United States, can order it. 

The differences from the paperback and Kindle versions is the addition of an index and bibliography.  To me, if it is not a hardship, the hardcover is worth it for one of the index entries.   I am sure you will know which one I mean if you explore the index.  Of course, you have to buy the book to look for it in the index.  <grin> 

This is the first paragraph of the book. 

“It was just a normal day before Dr. David Egilman called me out of the blue on November 28, 2006. The days are short that time of year in Anchorage, Alaska, and it was getting dark by mid-afternoon. Dr. Egilman told me he had been hired as an expert witness by one of the law firms representing patients who had taken Zyprexa and contracted diabetes or other metabolic problems. He wanted to know about documents relating to Zyprexa I might have. In truth, he was feeling me out to see whether I might be willing to subpoena him, so he could legally send me secret documents. These documents revealed the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly (Lilly) had from the beginning suppressed information showing Zyprexa caused these life-threatening conditions. In addition, they showed Lilly had illegally marketed this powerful and dangerous drug for use in children and the elderly. He wanted me to then send them to Alex Berenson, a reporter for The New York Times with whom he was already working on a Zyprexa exposé.” 

Less than a month later, The New York Times began running a series of front page stories and Lilly went after me with a vengeance.  The legendary Judge Jack Weinstein said I had “conspired to steal” the documents and Lilly threatened me with criminal contempt and to try and have me disbarred.   In my not so humble opinion it is quite a story, including my efforts to stop the State of Alaska from drugging my client, Bill Bigley, into oblivion.  Dr. Healy wrote in his review of The Zyprexa Papers in the journal Psychosis:   

Many people coming to this book might figure that the Bigley saga plays second fiddle to what is after all called The Zyprexa Papers. A switch from the dizzying heights of New York courtroom drama to an Alaskan backwater. But Bill Bigley’s case is the beating heart of this book. The Zyprexa papers are the bait for Gottstein’s masterly portrayal of how the system treated Bill and will treat you and anyone you know who comes into contact with it.  

Dr. Healy is the founder of Samizdat Health Writer’s Co-operative, which is publishing the hardcover edition.  He wrote the review before there was any idea Samizdat might publish the hardcover edition and is glad to be able to publish it. 

If you get the hardcover edition let me know when you find the index entry I am so fond of. 

Take care,


Nowadays, the free states are in the South: Mandating COVID “vaccinations” at LSU is ILLEGAL, says Louisiana Attorney General