
History tells us why vaccination drives (i.e., real ones) always should be voluntary

This history of mass resistance to vaccine drives in the UK—written by a vaccinator working for the NHS—is well worth reading, though its lede oversimplifies the history of vaccines overall, whiting out the ill effects of some of those it mentions (the MMR vaccine should not have been included, and the story of the polio vaccine demands more nuanced treatment). Nevertheless, this piece makes a very helpful case for the argument that such drives always should be voluntary.

(Let’s note also that the timing of this piece suggests another, tacit flaw: its implication that the current “vaccination” drive is not a vaccination drive, since those four COVID-19 sera aren’t vaccines, and should be outlawed, and those who’ve pushed them, as well as those who’ve blacked out the disastrous impact of those injections, should all be indicted, and duly prosecuted.)

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