This podcast aired on 9/18. I’d have sent this out earlier, but it slipped between the cracks; and yet it’s even timelier today, with the mask hysteria intensifying, even as the evidence against the use of masks grows even stronger, while COVID-19 grows less lethal all around the world.
From Kristina Borjesson:
Mark, Could you please spread the word on this because I’m pretty sure Facebook andTwitter are going to censor it:
DR. JUDY MIKOVITS: THE CASE AGAINST MASKS AND CALLING COVID-19 A “PANDEMIC”: In her new book, THE CASE AGAINST MASKS, The former Director of the National Cancer Institute’s Anti-Viral Mechanisms laboratory offers a blistering, science-based assessment of the dangers of wearing masks which she says are unnecessary in most situations and points out that commonly worn surgical masks are made from toxic chemicals like teflon. Dr. Mikovits also talks about the science indicating that Covid 19 never reached the level of a pandemic and is actually over now.