
Filthy lucre at Whole Foods

If you shop at Whole Foods, you’ll see this laminated poster at the check-out line, not only warning you to KEEP YOUR DISTANCE (“STOP”), with two big blue arrows telling you exactly where to stand (apart), but, on top of that, alerting you that “your money is no good here,” as Lloyd, the ghostly bartender, tells Jack Torrance in the Gold Room at the Overlook Hotel.

Specifically, your CASH is now unwanted; though it’s still possible to pay with your infectious bills at “customer service,” where your money would be made to feel about as welcome as some black person’s in some Mississippi soda shop in 1956.

In checking out, I asked the woman at the register (the two of us appropriately masked), if this meant that Whole Foods is no longer taking CASH, and she explained the New Normal, about “customer service,” etc.; and then she said, with a look of keen revulsion, that “money—is—just—filthy,” by which she clearly did not mean that it’s the root of all evil. It’s covered with viruses, she said, which is why Whole Foods has made this change.

“No, it isn’t,” I said, stupidly (as is my way). “They’re getting rid of cash so that—” She squeezed her eyes shut, shook her head, and said, with great approval, that China’s burned all their something (I couldn’t make it out, what with that mask), presumably in order to save everyone from death-by-COVID-19.

The cashless world—just like the brainless world—is now upon us. (Since Amazon will soon be operating many, if not most, of what used to be small businesses, there won’t be many places left to spend a few bucks on a meal, or shopping.)


ANOTHER safe, effective remedy for COVID-19

Ivermectin, along with Doxycycline and zinc. 

Here it is, reported on Australia’s Sky News (which evidently doesn’t mind the bio-fascist crackdown in Melbourne; but never mind). Which of the major TV outlets in “our free press” would run a similar report on that or any other drug that has shown great promise as a COVID-19 remedy (and, by now, there are quite a few, some now used the world over)?

The answer is: “None.” The US press is a totalitarian joke, and not a funny one.

“Pupils pose little risk of spreading COVID”

This new study (scroll down) reconfirms the findings of some prior research into the COVID-19 threat posed by children. I sent this one out last month:

And, in late June, I sent out this one:

So now we have another study reconfirming, again, that schoolchildren “pose little threat” of killing off their teachers with “the coronavirus.”

But what difference can these findings make to schoolteachers (and professors) whose frontal lobes have been wiped out by fear? Unfortunately, none; because these “educators” are too terrified to take in anything that contradicts the fear-porn that they feed on, night and day, and that they share hysterically, obsessively, almost salaciously online, where they can always find more propaganda to ingest and barf back up at one another. Send them anything that contradicts the deadly narrative, and they just don’t reply. If you happen to run into one who’s slunk out, masked, to run some nervous errand, and tell them something that refutes the narrative, and that (you’d think) might therefore ease their fear, they look at you like YOU’RE insane, or even possibly a closet Trump supporter, and hurry off.

We have people with advanced degrees, gainfully employed by universities and colleges, demanding that those schools shut down, and wondering aloud if there is not some way to keep the student “hordes” from coming back. (Of course, these people all hate Trump for his hard line on immigrants.) And we have schoolteachers preparing for this next school year by writing up their own obituaries (as reported recently on CNN).

The only upside to this dismal situation is that all those people freaking out like this, having gulped down the whole COVID-19 propaganda narrative hook, line and sinker, should really not be teaching anyone.

In any case, this moment demonstrates the awful truth of David Foster Wallace’s cogent observation “that the people to be most frightened of are the people who are most frightened.”

p.s. If you know anyone who’d like to fund a little college somewhere, preferably where no one has to wear a mask, please let me know.

Article re: new study:


The invasion of the New Normals—a clear and present danger if there ever was one

Those of us still capable of reading this, and getting it, must share it with as many of our fellow human beings as possible.


Bernie is demanding “masks for all”

“The science is clear,” he says—Dr. Fauci/Redfield having told him so (sticking to the line they’ve been promoting since they switched abruptly from the opposite position back in April).

So Bernie Sanders is on board with the agenda that’s been used, in part, to smash mass movements like the one that he pretended to intend to use to be elected president—the movement he purported to be using to rein in those billionaires now made obscenely wealthier by the agenda Bernie now whole-heartedly supports, which is to keep us all in masks until they jab us all with Bill Gates’ rushed, experimental, deeply dangerous and highly lucrative “vaccine.”

Speaking for myself, as one who (warily) supported Bernie Sanders, today I’d follow Dr. Fauci’s sick advice and not shake Bernie’s hand.

Article link:


UK government cracking down to halt a non-existent rise in COVID cases

Same thing’s evidently happening here; and it’s working, because skillful propaganda works, especially on people who don’t know what propaganda is.


The real COVID-19 threat comes clear in all those people now extremely sick, or dead, because they put off going to the hospital throughout the crisis

So is it with us, as with the UK. What about here?

Article link:

What’s the real relationship between COVID-19 “cases” and infectiousness?

“The immune system works to neutralise the virus and prevent further infection. Whilst an infectious stage may last a week or so, because inactivated RNA degrades slowly over time it may still be detected many weeks after infectiousness has dissipated.”

Source link:


Mayor Lightfoot puts her foot down (none too lightly) on a festive gathering at Chicago’s Montrose Harbor

Time to get tough with all those reckless partyers, what with Chicago’s COVID-19 death rate of 0.08% (and still declining as new “cases” keep [reportedly] proliferating).

And, as some peons have resentfully observed, Mayor Lightfoot had no problem, COVID-wise, with the BLM protests that rocked Chicago seven weeks ago. Although she objected to the violence that broke out around them, she never personally “broke up a large gathering” back then, to keep Chicago “safe” from the coronavirus.

In this regard, Lori Lightfoot is the Windy City’s Bill de Blasio.

Article link:


China started universal mandatory vaccination in December, with heavy penalties for failure to comply

No wonder Xi Jinping and Bill Gates are so tight.

Coming soon to a government near you.

Article link:


Who benefits from a cashless society?

Not you and me.