
Who is the Italian doctor warning of the COVID-19 vaccine’s deadly purpose?

From Gary Kohls:

Friends: Here is the essential information from Dane Wigington, founder of the important website/ movement Geoengineering Watch, regarding the identity of the Italian physician who did the important video a couple of days ago.

Please also check out Dane’s website at

Subject: Re: Dane, do you have any more identifying information on the Italian MD?

Hello, Gary, short answer, yes. 

FYI below, message back to me from one of my contacts, a recently retired physician / surgeon, multiple world locations. 

On Aug 27, 2020, at 6:42 AM, Dr.Anthony Parkes  wrote:

Came across this on Dr Roberto Petrella -the retired Italian Dr in the Video.

He runs a clinic in Terano Italy called New Frontiers in Medicine. Has website with phone numbers etc.

He was apparently struck off the medical register following his comments on the HPV vaccine being dangerous — which it was, as you know.

Also there are headlines that Italian lawmakers want Gates investigated for crimes against humanity.

As you probably know – much better searching on Duck than Google re censorship. 




On Oleandrin as a COVID-19 cure, and its suppression

Aside from its delusional assumption that “the left” is blocking COVID-19 cures, in order to “overthrow capitalism” (the Rockefellers, Gates, Bezos, et al. having been seduced by “Marxian” ideology), this is a very interesting piece on Oleandrin as a likely cure for COVID-19, and on its suppression by the (revolutionary leftists at) the FDA.


Father Teresa doing REALLY well by “doing good”: Bill/Melinda’s $43 million beachfront getaway near San Diego

That does not include the cost of their 24/7 security detail.

Link to photos:


As US unemployment rises by a million, protesters build a guillotine in front of Bezos’ mansion.

This is a very good discussion—as far as it goes—of the actual economy. What Krystal and Saagar don’t see (since who wants to see it?) is that a plutocratic system in which workers are no longer needed won’t just have its winners nibbling caviar while all those jobless wretches seethe, and maybe organize.

That system will exterminate those wretches—which is precisely what’s been happening right before our eyes: a slo-mo, incremental replay of the Holocaust, though on a vastly larger scale. That explains COVID-19, the far more lethal lockdowns, the coup de grace to the economy effected by the George Floyd operation, the mask mandates in the hottest season of the year (requiring even children to wear masks), and—of course—the coming mandatory vaccination program.
The bit about the guillotine is at 6:40.


Berlin court overturns COVID-19 protest ban

Article link:


“Social distancing” rules are based on “outdated science,” do no good, new BMJ study finds

Study link:


Covid-19 risk to children is “vanishingly small”

One needs to subscribe. May be worth it.

This just reconfirms the several studies that have been coming out for several months. Those teachers’ unions should back off, go back to work, and get their states to turn the schools back into schools, get rid of all those masks and barriers, before it’s too late for the children.

Article link:


Gates Notes’ psychotic scare-spot on “Mosquito Week”

This is meant to terrorize us into welcoming Gates’ plan to release huge swarms of GM mosquitoes, ostensibly to “fight malaria,” but certainly in furtherance of his syndicate’s intensifying world war on humanity.

This spot also demonizes nature itself, casting the primordial swamp as Death’s Kingdom.


ALERT: GSK whistle-blower claims that the coming “COVID-19 vaccines” are really ANTI-FERTILITY vaccines (and contain carcinogenic agents)

Gates has been funding anti-fertility vaccines for years—like the Rockefellers before him (and no doubt they’re involved in this as well). The latter used anti-HCG vaccines (said to be tetanus vaccines) in Mexico, the Philippines and Nicaragua back in the early Nineties, and Gates funded their use by the WHO in Kenya in 2014. And that’s just one of Bill/Melinda’s many uses of vaccines to prevent procreation, not disease.

This is a program for mass extermination, all over the world, that makes the plan green-lighted at the Wannsee Conference look like child’s play.

On the fatal attraction of techno-fascism (MUST-READ on the power of all that pseudo-scientific propaganda)

He nails it: Propaganda isn’t just misinformation, but offers those who buy it an illusion of belonging; so when you dare inform them that it isn’t true, and has a heinous purpose, they freak out, as if you’ve told them that their parents were malign, and always lied to them.

“If an individual were to insist upon learning more about any of these less-discussed stories, they would soon arrive at the realization that while an abundance of relevant facts can easily be found, and often hidden in plain sight, the truth is that most people simply do not WANT to know, think or talk about any such truths that differ from those accepted by their peers, for whom cognitive dissonance causes such literal pain and disorientation, as to keep them docile and compliant to the dictates of the media….

“Propaganda reassures us that we are complete, that we know all there is to know, that we are rational, pragmatic and pure, that the science has been settled and that we are a part of something special.”