
“Our free press” and DoD are CENSORING the data on what those “vaccines” are doing to our troops

DMED data is explosive. Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it.

by Steve Kirsch


Canada’s Governor General OVERWHELMED by calls to oust Trudeau

This is a revolution; and it will spread elsewhere.

Governor General Overwhelmed By Demand To Remove Trudeau From Office

Receiving an average of 25-50 calls per day, Mary Simon’s office received 4600 calls on the Thursday after the Truckers Protest.

by Brad Salzberg

In the wake of the recent Truckers Convoy, Canadians have been peppering Governor General Mary Simon’s office with calls to dissolve our federal government, and to remove Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from office.

As reported in the National Post, “Rideau Hall’s call centre normally receives between 25 to 50 calls a day. Since the truckers convoy began the number has exploded, with more than 1,500 on Wednesday and over 4,600 at one point in the afternoon on Thursday.”

It’s an unprecedented development in what has become an unprecedented society. The vehemence by which a segment of our population want Justin Trudeau gone has fired-up to white hot levels. The situation belies a deep-rooted fragmentation in society.

Click on the link for the rest.


Canadian cop resigns in November, on principle, from Trudeau’s security detail, and gives marvelous speech (MUST-SEE/SHARE)

[He resigned in November, 2021.]

Corporal Bulford should be prime minister:


“We hold you responsible for damaging our children” (MUST-READ/SHARE)


A lovely documentary about the protest in New Zealand

… which, though nothing like the jubilant liberation going on in Canada, was evidently big enough to scare Jacinda Ardern into using “COVID” as a pretext for hiding out, like her equally disgusting comrade Justin Trudeau.


Premier of Alberta (who’s NOT in hiding) says his government will CANCEL “vaccine” passport

Here’s hoping that he has a spine.

From Dr. Mike Yeadon (on Telegram):

Thank a trucker for this. (But do not believe it – until it happens. As we know, they are liars.)

Feb 3, 2022: “EDMONTON – Premier Jason Kenney says his government will announce next week a date to cancel Alberta’s COVID-19 vaccine passport, adding the end will be in the “very near future.”

Kenney says he will also announce a phased approach to end almost all COVID-19 health restrictions by the end of the month provided the pressure on hospitals continues to decline.

Kenney says Alberta’s high vaccination rate coupled with declining pressure on hospitals make it feasible to end the vaccine passport soon.

A week ago, Kenney said the passport could be eliminated by the end of March.

But since then Kenney has come under increasing pressure from members of his own United Conservative caucus to end the passport while also dealing with vaccine mandate protests by truckers and supporters who have created chaos and traffic tie-ups at Alberta’s main U.S. border checkpoint.”

Sent from ProtonMail mobile


“Time in nature can now be prescribed as health care treatment in Canada”

From Tessa Lena:

I can’t even state how treacherous this is. Spending time in nature is beautiful. Turning it into a prescription is, well…. everything the great resetters want.

Next thing, prescription only? Hard to say now, but it seems like they would do it.

Time in Nature Can Now Be Prescribed as Health Care Treatment in Canada
Cristen Hemingway Jaynes Feb 04, 2022


Ten pieces of good news this week (unless you’re “woke”)


Good News Friday: 02/04

Dear Patriots,

Another crazy week has flown by with some surprising twists and turns.

Facebook stock face planted – CNN imploded – The View is vacuous – Truckers are resolute  – European countries are waking up – Demand for the vax is plunging. 
Do not despair. Read some Good News!

1- This week brought a major court win for military service members, thanks to the efforts of Liberty Counsel.

Federal Judge Rules the Military May Not Discriminate On Religious Exemptions

On Wednesday, a federal judge in Florida ruled that the Secretary of Defense, or anyone acting on his behalf, may not alter or diminish the status of two military service members who have made religious exemption requests to the COVID-19 vaccines. 

The judge observed that the two military service members “are very likely to prevail on their claim that their respective branch of the military has wrongfully denied a religious exemption from COVID-19 vaccination.” 

The judge stated that the military appears to be discriminatorily and systematically denying religious exemptions without a meaningful and fair hearing and without the showing required under RFRA.” He further noted that while the military was denying religious exemptions, it was granting medical exemptions and permitting some unvaccinated service members to serve without retaliation. 

This is an important ruling for all military service members who seek to uphold their faith while serving their country. 

As the judge observed, and contradicting Department of Defense arguments, permitting a small number of religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine will not “adversely affect the public’s interest in the maintenance and readiness of the nation’s military forces.” 

Credit to Liberty Counsel, who represents these heroes in this litigation. We anticipate that this ruling can only help the two pending cases Defending the Republic has against the military’s unlawful COVID-19 vaccine mandate. 

2- It is oft said America is deeply divided. There is a political schism that can not be breached. It therefore seems odd that we apparently agree on this!

Human Events

POLL: Majority of Americans Oppose Choosing Supreme Court Justices by Race, Gender

According to a new poll, a majority of Americans oppose choosing a Supreme Court Justice on the basis of race or gender. 

The ABC/Ipsos poll found that 76 percent of Americans say Biden should consider “all possible nominees” to fill Breyer’s seat, while just 23 percent say Biden should consider “only nominees who are Black women, as he has pledged to do. 

Similarly, a recent Rasmussen Reports poll found the majority of Americans oppose choosing justices by race and gender, though most think Biden will do so anyway, the Star News Network reports. 

3- More and more countries are ending the Covid-CCP reign of terror. Many of these are countries the American left likes to lecture us to emulate.

Children’s Health Defense

12 Countries Roll Back COVID Restrictions, Israel Scraps ‘Green Pass’

QUOTE: Sweden and Switzerland joined Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France and the UK in announcing they will lift COVID restrictions and open up their countries.


Top Israeli officials also announced this week they are abolishing the country’s “Green Pass” COVID vaccine passport for restaurants, hotels, gyms and theaters.


Few studies, if any, have been carried out to determine whether vaccine passports and COVID restrictions actually lowered COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths.


However, a recent analysis published by researchers at John Hopkins found COVID lockdown measures implemented in the U.S. and Europe had almost no effect on public health.


“We find little-to-no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates,” the researchers wrote.

4- Finally, we have some attempts to provide actual proven treatment for the virus. This will be fought by Big Pharm.

The Gateway Pundit 

New Hampshire Lawmakers Propose Bill that Will Allow Pharmacists to Administer Ivermectin Without Prescription

QUOTE: Lawmakers in Concord Hampshire are proposing a bill that will allow pharmacists to dispense Ivermectin by means of standing orders.

“Standing order” means a written and signed protocol authored by one or more physicians licensed under RSA 329:12 or one or more advanced practice registered nurses licensed under RSA 326-B:18, the bill stated.

5- It would be great if elected Republicans collectively called for this. 

Top Doctor Calls for Reinstatement of People Fired Over Vaccine Mandates
QUOTE:After instruction from President Joe Biden and federal government regulators, a number of corporations fired workers who refused the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. They did so before the Supreme Court ruled Biden’s vaccine mandate for large companies was unconstitutional. 

Now, with worker shortages and long delayed scientific evidence from the Centers for Disease Control that the vaccine does not prevent the transmission of the virus, a number of companies are hiring back previously fired workers.

Dr. Marty Makary, a top doctor for John’s Hopkins University, has been calling on companies to rehire fired employees for weeks.  
Now, he’s calling for workers to not only give people their jobs back but to issue an apology. 

6- There is push back coming from somewhere, at long last.

Virginia’s new GOP AG prompts three largest universities to drop vaccine mandate for students

QUOTE: The three largest universities in Virginia have dropped their sweeping vaccine requirements after the state’s attorney general issued his legal opinion calling such mandates illegal. 

George Mason University, Virginia Tech and the University of Mary Washington all announced reforms to their previously strict vaccination requirements.

The Federalist   

George Mason University Students Declare Victory After School Revokes Booster Mandate

George Mason University (GMU) announced on Monday that the school would be revoking its Covid-19 booster mandate for students, marking a win for their medical freedoms and bodily autonomy.

7- Legislation saves lives.


Texas heartbeat law has cut abortions in half, saved 15,000 babies: report

QUOTE:A Texas law effectively banning abortion of babies with detectable heartbeats appears to have saved the lives of 15,000 babies since taking effect five months ago, according to statistics from the Texas Health & Human Services Commission (HHSC).

The Texas Heartbeat Act requires abortionists to screen for a preborn baby’s heartbeat and prohibits abortion if a heartbeat can be heard (generally as early as six weeks), with exceptions only for medical emergencies.

This week, HHSC released a report finding that abortions had dropped from 5,404 in August 2021 to 2,197 in September, the month the Texas Heartbeat Act took affect, a reduction in 60%. Daily abortions also dropped from approximately 160 to 70. Overall, Texas Right to Life (TRTL) estimates that the law has saved 15,000 babies since taking effect

8- Blue States are jumping on the issue of lowering taxes. With massive Covid-CCP funding from the Federal government flowing into the states, even Democrats are clamoring to cut taxes. 
They also hope to keep residents from moving to no-tax states, like Florida.


Revenue windfall pushes states to consider range of tax cuts

QUOTE: Soaring tax revenue and billions in pandemic aid from the federal government have left many states with an unusual problem — too much money.

The result is one of the most broad-based movements in recent memory toward giving consumers and taxpayers a break. In red states and blue, lawmakers and governors are proposing to cut taxes and fees, create tax credits, or delay tax and fee hikes that had been planned before the COVID-19 pandemic struck.

Even high-tax states controlled by Democrats, from California to New Jersey, are dangling the possibility. Among those are Washington state, where one Democratic senator has proposed cutting the state sales tax from 6.5% to 5.5%.


In Maryland, Republican Gov. Larry Hogan has long pushed for a gradual elimination of income taxes for retirees, something he says will reduce the migration of people leaving the state to lower-tax places such as Florida when they’re finished working. He may finally have a window for striking a deal with the Democrat-controlled legislature.

9- We are always pleased when parents find alternatives to public schools.


Christian Schools See Growing Enrollments as Public Schools Decline

QUOTE: “The last two years have shown the advantage Christian schools have in being nimble in serving students and their families with excellence,” said Lynn Swaner, chairperson of Converge 2022, a conference that plans to welcome nearly 750 attendees in San Diego in March to focus on how to meet the needs of the growing numbers of students coming to faith-based schools from the public sector.

Among the host organizations for the conference is the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), which, last year, saw a 12 percent increase in enrollment at its affiliated K-12 schools, the press statement noted.

10- Taking a page out of the Trudeau play book, towing companies are claiming they can not come to move trucks because they are sick with, wait for it…. Covid-CCP.

The Gateway Pundit

“We’ve Got COVID” – Towing Companies in Canada Turn Down Requests from Police and Mayor to Haul Away Trucks

QUOTE: Towing companies in Alberta, Canada reportedly refused the requests from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to assist in the removal of trucks from Coutts Port of Entry on the north side of the Alberta-Montana border.

Abe Martens from Xodus Car Transport who also offers towing service told the Western Standard, “We are here with our trucks at the blockade, but we are participating and are in full support of the truckers.”

In a video posted on Twitter, a woman said that she was just talking to a local who has lived in Ottawa for 30 years.

“He told me that the Mayor of Ottawa called tow truck companies to start towing the semis out of the streets and every company said that they have COVID.” 

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Defending The Republic

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New Yorkers, we have to STOP this! Hochul’s trying to give herself a permanent new power to mandate masks (for the “unvaccinated”)

From Andrew Saul:

NY Take Action: Hochul trying to sneak through permanent power to order masks

New York’s unelected Governor Kathy Hochul is attempting to give herself completely new powers to mandate masks for anyone and any situation whenever she feels it is necessary. She is doing this by issuing a regulation, a process wholly under her control, and completely bypassing the legislature. Regulations are supposed to be rules made by the bureaucracy to implement laws passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor. They cannot legally be used to give the Governor completely new powers. The regulation will become law if not stopped by February 14.

On Friday, Hochul extended the current mask “mandate” for public places until February 10. Last week a Nassau County Supreme Court judge held that the current mask order is illegal because it is a rule issued by the health commissioner, and there is no law that gives either the Governor of the Health Commissioner the authority to require mask. The Judge also noted that we are not in a declared state of emergency during which the Governor may issue temporary executive orders requiring masks. An appellate judge stay was placed on the lower court Judge’s ruling allowing the mask rule to continue pending a final decision.

The proposed regulation includes language that would allow distinguishing “between individuals who are vaccinated against COVID-19 and those that are not vaccinated.” This language would allow mandating only un-vaccinated people to wear masks as a means of punishing dissent and dissenters. Even though we know that the shots do not prevent transmission of Covid, we know that the vast majority of masks in use do not prevent the transmission of Covid, and, of course, it pretends that natural immunity in recovered people does not exist.

Read the proposed regulation here:

Our best bet to stop this regulation is to bring the bill to attention of the legislators and make them aware that the Governor is bypassing their authority to make laws.

Please get on the phone and call the Governor and let her know that you are opposed to these proposed regulations and her effort to bypass our elected representative and us by sneaking this through as a regulation. And call Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins and let them know you are opposed to the regulation and want them to exert their authority to make laws, not the Governor and the bureaucrats. There numbers are below.+

Please click HERE to send a message to the Governor, your State Senator, your Assemblymember, and the Public Comment office of the Health Department, letting them know you oppose this regulation.

The regulation is currently in a public comment period. Please submit comments. Public comments become part of the official record and the NYS Department of Health is required to respond to them. The contact information for official submitting a comment:

New York State Department of Health Bureau of Program Counsel, Regulatory Affairs Unit

Re: Amendment of Part 2, Section 405.3 and Addition of Section 58-1.14 to Title 10 NYCRR (Investigation of Communicable Disease; Isolation and Quarantine)

Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Rm. 2438

Albany, New York 12237-0031

Phone: (518) 473-7488

FAX: (518) 473-2019

Attention: Katherine Ceroalo

Governor Kathy Hochul (518) 474-8390, (212) 681-4580, Hochul only takes voice mail. Call anyway.

Fax (518) 474-1513

Email at

Twitter: @GovKathyHochul

And call the leaders of the legislature and ask them if they support the Governor completing bypassing the legislative process:

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins

Albany: Telephone (518) 455-2585, (518) 455-2715

Albany: Fax (518) 426-6844, (518) 426-6811

District: Telephone (914) 423-4031, Fax (914) 423-0979,

New York City: Telephone (212) 298-5585, Fax (212) 298-5623

Twitter: @AndreaSCousins

Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie

Albany: (518) 455-3791, District: (718) 654-6539

Twitter: @carlheastie

Please share this link to this message:

Please share this message with friends and family, and please share on social networks while we still can.

Andrew W. Saul
Editor-in-Chief, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service

Dr. McCullough invites anyone who thinks he’s wrong, and knows enough to say so, to debate him

Something tells me no one will accept his invitation.

Please send this to Dr. Fauci and Neil Young.

From Kristina Borjesson:

On The Whistleblower Newsroom: PROVE IT: The Joe Rogan guest whose interview triggered celebrity claims of “misinformation” invites anyone with the expertise, credentials, and proof that he’s wrong to talk to him. Interview with Dr. Peter McCullough: