
DEMAND that Congress DEFUND Biden’s “vaccine mandates”!


In New York, Governor Gulag’s illegal regulations have moved forward

From John Gilmore:

NY: Governor Gulag’s illegal regulations move forward

Yesterday the New York Public Health and Public Health Planning Council rubber-stamped three regulations that will wildly increase the power of un-elected Governor Kathy Hochul and her successors.
Approval by the Council was a foregone conclusion. All the members are appointed by the Governor, serve at the pleasure of the Governor,  and answer to the Governor. Proposed regulations are always approved by the Council.
But New York law and the New York State Constitution are clear. The Governor may not give herself whole new powers. That is what dictators do.
The first and worst regulation will create new quarantine rules that are so broadly defined that anybody whom health authorities have “determined as possibly having a particular disease or condition” could be detained and held “for such time as will prevent or limit the transmission of the reportable disease or organism to non-isolated individuals, in the clinical judgment of the State Commissioner of Health.”

Anybody could be detained under these rules. People who have not got the Covid injection are already considered as “possibly” infected with Covid. That’s why there are vaccine passports, and thousands of people have lost their jobs for refusing to put into their bodies a poorly tested product that is temporarily effective (at best) with an enormously high rate or injury, rates so high that the federal government refuses to release the data that would show if the death and injury rate for the injection is greater than from Covid.
The new regulation could be used to detain un-vaccinated people for an indefinite period of time until they get the shot. But even vaccination is no guarantee that this regulation will not be used against you. Since we know that people who got the Covid injection are just as likely to carry Covid as those who are un-jabbed. This is a pure power play.

All of this will be enforced by the New York State Department of Health. The same people who thought it was a good idea to put people with active cases of covid into nursing homes. This regulation dismisses our right to due process. The Department of Health is police, grand jury, judge, prosecutor and jailer rolled into one self-serving mass of bureaucratic ineptitude and malice.

Hochul is also giving herself the power to impose mask mandates on anybody, for any reason, anytime she wants. And she does this at the same time that the few remaining states that have mask mandates are rolling them back.  California, Oregon, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Illinois, Massachusetts, as well as New York, have all declared deadlines for ending the masks or substantial reductions in circumstances where people must wear them.
The Democratic governors of those states claim the “science” has changed. The science is the same, what has changed is the political situation. Support for President Biden and Democrats in general is collapsing according to the polls. Pundits on all sides are predicting a Democratic bloodbath  in November. 

The “science” has never supported masks as an effective control for spreading Covid. In a rare display of candor Leana Wen, MD, CNN’s resident cheerleader for the Fauci program, admitted that most masks are nothing more than “facial decorations.” But far more than that, masks are a public display of obedience to the political, mot medical, dictates of the regime. 

The last third and last regulation extends mask mandates for new categories of health-related workers who somehow escaped earlier dragnets bit will now pay with their jobs. Joining the 4000 employees New York City will be firing today for refusing the jab.

The advent of omicron makes it obvious, even to the most unthinking, ill-informed follower of the official program, that the shots do not prevent transmission or infection. Just like masks. And with that the uptake of Covid shots has collapsed, for the initial two and the booster.

Since the only rational explanation for the response to the Covid event is that it was intended to maximize sales of shots and allow enormous expansions of power for governments, Hochul and the dwindling number of Governors clinging to the collapsing narrative need to come up with new ways of compelling compliance.  

The last market left that offers the opportunity for real growth is children. Hochul has already said that she will use increasing rates of vaccination among children as a test for lifting mask mandates in school.  We will see how long she sticks to that idea.

No doubt Hochul and other Democrats are looking at the polls, and they are looking north at the uprising that is going on in Canada. The truckers have already brought down the head of the Conservative party. Premiers of several provinces are rolling back draconian regulations. Support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is falling.  They know full well that there is no reason why that can’t happen here. Convoys from California to Washington are already planned.
Skulking through the dark with these new regulations is anything but a show of power by Hochul. If she had support and power she would have had a law passed to give her this authority. But she could not do that. Assembly bill A416, the Public Health Gulag bill, failed miserably, with no cosponsors in the Assembly and not even a companion bill in the Senate. So she created a regulation, a process that allows for no participation by anyone not answering to Hochul. These are not the signs of a strong, secure leader. 

Lawyers say that there is nothing that can be done preemptively to stop these regulations. But if Hochul ever uses them there will be immediate cause for action. Our legislators have distinguished themselves by remaining as invisible as possible since the beginning of the Covid event, and avoiding any action that could hold themselves responsible for anything. A more feckless group is hard to imagine. But Hochul and many of them will be up for primary elections this June. All of them will be looking for your vote in November. We will not forget what they have done.

Why US truckers should NOT drive to Washington, DC.: “It’s a trap in the making”

This makes sense to me. The state has very clearly laid the groundwork for a “January 6” on steroids. 




I would NOT go to Washington DC.

It’s a trap in the making.

I WOULD go to…

Albany, NY – eastern capital of the evil empire

Sacramento, CA – western capital of the evil empire

And every other state capital.

I’d also go to:

Silicon Valley – home of the sinister censors Google, Facebook, and Twitter

And because it would be unfair to leave Bill Gates out, I’d pay a visit on Microsoft and the town where he has his $100 million mansion.

—– Forwarded message from “Brasscheck TV” —–
Date: 2/10/2022
Subject: Special Report – An urgent message to US truckers

BrasscheckTV Report
I would NOT go to Washington DC.
It’s a trap in the making.
I WOULD go to…
Albany, NY – eastern capital of the evil empire
Sacramento, CA – western capital of the evil empire
And every other state capital.
You can do MORE good staying close
to home. 
I’d also go to:
Silicon Valley – home of the sinister censors
Google, Facebook, and TwitterAnd because it would be unfair to leave
Bill Gates out, I’d pay a visit on Microsoft
and the town he has his $100 million
10 reasons this a much better idea.
Please share widely:
– Brasscheck TV

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How Hochul’s trying to turn New York into a bio-fascist hell

Hochul has some venal motivation for her machinations, as her daughter-in-law is a top lobbyist at Pharma outfit Biogen, which has long been lobbying New York:

A comprehensive update on Hochul’s strategy:

Dear friends and fellow activists,

There are two call-to-action requests: one is below regarding the workaround thru DOH regulations to enact something similar to the detention bill that got shelved, and the other is a reminder for our previous email forwarded from John Gilmore regarding Gov. Hochul’s actions with respect to mask mandates and emergency powers.

Please consider signing up for John’s e-mails directly using the form here:

Also, if you haven’t visited our blog lately (link: ), then after taking the aforementioned actions, please visit to read some or all of the eight new entries put up over the last two weeks related to the effects of masks and vaccine mandates on children and local school athletes, the need for a health advocate if you or a loved one is diagnosed or hospitalized with COVID-19, perspectives on the Freedom Convoy (truckers in Canada) from a local Ottawan, and more.

Be well, and remain steadfast.


Hochul Sneaking Through Covid Camps Regulation AND Mandatory Vax Database Bill

Unelected New York Governor Kathy Hochul is trying to bypass the legislature and give herself sweeping new powers with a recently proposed regulation that would allow her to arrest and imprison suspected public health threats and imprison them without trial in Covid camps and other settings.

The language defining who could be detained is so broad it could include anybody including those who have not received Covid injections.

We only have until February 14 to stop this proposed regulation.She is doing this at the same time that legislation (Senate Bill S75a/Assembly Bill A279a) is pending that would force all adult vaccination records into a state run database. The combination of the two would give the Governor the data she needs to identify unvaccinated adults and the dictatorial power to enforce whatever detainment policy she chooses.

Hochul’s effort follows the withdrawal of a New York Assembly Bill A416 that would have allowed the arrest and imprisonment of suspected public health risks without trial.A416 got scathing worldwide media attention in December. The bill’s sponsor, Assemblymember N. Nick Perry, withdrew the bill on December 22, 2021, seven days after Hochul submitted her proposed regulation.Much of the corporate media dismissed concerns about the bill because after six years in the Assembly it still did not have a required companion bill in the State Senate, and no other Assemblymembers signed on as co-sponsors. Clearly, the failure of the bill in the legislature prompted Hochul to try to give herself completely new powers via regulations.

Regulations are supposed to be minor rules devised by the bureaucracies to implement a law passed by the legislature and signed by Governor. But Hochul is attempting to give herself entirely new powers through the regulatory back door. Regulations only require a posting in the Register, a New York State publication, and waiting a specified period for public comment. Cuomo used to do this all the time. If he could not get a bill he wanted passed in the legislature he would simply write regulations that did the same thing, and our feckless legislature rarely did anything to stop him or to protect their responsibilities as lawmakers.

You can see the proposed rules here:;%20Isolation%20and%20Quarantine.pdf

You need to take action now to stop this regulation:

Send messages:Please click this link to send messages to Governor Hochul and your own State Senator and Assemblymember. They need to do their jobs and tell Hochul to stop this usurpation of their responsibilities.

Send Comments:The regulation is now in a public comment period. Please send comments. They become part of the official record and the NYS Department of Health is required to respond to them. The contact information for official submitting a comment, which is open is:

New York State Department of Health Bureau of Program Counsel, Regulatory Affairs Unit
Attention: Katherine Ceroalo
Re: Amendment of Part 2, Section 405.3 and Addition of Section 58-1.14 to Title 10 NYCRR (Investigation of Communicable Disease; Isolation and Quarantine)
Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Rm. 2438
Albany, New York 12237-0031
Phone: (518) 473-7488
FAX: (518) 473-2019

Make phone calls and comment on social media:
You also need to get on the phone and call the Governor’s office and leave a message (real people don’t answer the phone in her office anymore.) Call the leaders of the legislature and let them know that you do not want the regulation to move forward, and you want to see S75a/A279a stopped. Their contact information is below:

Governor Kathy Hochul (518) 474-8390, (212) 681-4580, Hochul only takes voice mail. Call anyway. Fax (518) 474-1513

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins Albany: Telephone (518) 455-2585, (518) 455-2715 Albany: Fax (518) 426-6844, (518) 426-6811 District: Telephone (914) 423-4031, Fax (914) 423-0979, New York City: Telephone (212) 298-5585, Fax (212) 298-5623scousins@nysenate.gov

Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie Albany: (518) 455-3791, District: (718) 654-6539speaker@nyassembly.gov

While Hochul is sneaking this regulation through, a bill (Senate Bill S75a, Hoylman/Assembly Bill A279a, Gottfried) that creates a mandatory database for all vaccines given to adults was passed by the health committees in both houses last June, and could be sent to the floors of each house for a vote at any time. If passed, adults in New York would lose the right to refuse to have our vaccine records recorded in an existing state database and physicians would be required to hand over all patient vaccination records to the database. This would give the State the power to track all adults according to their vaccination status, and identifying people for arrest or other enforcement Concerns that the database cold be used by immigration enforcement agencies to identify and locate people for deportation, and that enforcement measures would fall disproportionately on people of color has held up a vote so far of S75a/A279a. But that could change very quickly and without notice.

If you value the information and advocacy brought to you by the Autism Action Network donate here to keep us going.

Please share this message with the following link:

Please share this message with friends and family and please share on social networks while we still can.




Luc Montagnier, R.I.P.

Last month, Montagnier pulled no punches on the lethality of those “vaccines”:

I’m not sure what “tragic story stands behind” the cause of Montagnier’s death; but this piece is heartfelt, and somewhat informative:


Say NO to ALL OF IT, tomorrow in New York!


ALERT! Canadian police are getting ready to attack the truckers, so we must PROTEST at all Canadian consulates!

This video ends with footage of cops brutalizing peaceful protesters in New Zealand yesterday—one sign of an impending crackdown all throughout the Commonwealth nations, and beyond:

See what the Canadian cops are already doing to people just for signaling support of the Freedom Convoy: a 78-year-old great-grandfather—at 4’10”, no threat to anyone—savaged by police for honking his car horn to applaud the truckers:

EXCLUSIVE: Unsettling photos show heavily bruised great-grandfather, 78, after being forcefully handcuffed by Ottawa cops for honking his car horn to support Freedom Convoy as family says he is suffering from PTSD

  • Gerry Charlebois, 78, was arrested Sunday in Ottawa for honking his car horn in support of the Freedom Convoy
  • His family shared photos of his injuries with, revealing dark purple bruises on his hands and along his arms and knees 
  • Charlebois now suffers from PTSD after the arrest on Sunday, his son tells 
  • The great-grandfather, who stands at 4ft 10in, was fined $118 for ‘unnecessary noise’ but has not been criminally charged 
  • Charlebois’ attorney David Anber tells, ‘He’s pretty traumatized by the entire situation. We are going to fight these provincial charges’
  • The lawyer says they will  explore the possibility of filing a civil suit

We must do all we can to put a stop to this brutality, or try as hard as possible; so please bombard those consulates with protests, and share that first link far and wide. 


“It’s been funeral after funeral”: Undertakers, nuns and cops attest to the unprecedented surge of DEATHS due to those “vaccines”


Latest video of Corporal Bulford, in truckers’ update on the Trudeau/media charges of “terrorism”


Truckers are starting a working-class revolution—and “the left” hates it

Truckers are starting a working-class revolution — and the left hates it

February 3, 2022

So we’re finally seeing a genuine, bottom-up, working-class revolution. In Canada, and increasingly in the United States, truckers and others are refusing to follow government orders, telling the powerful that, in a popular lefty formulation, if there’s no justice, there’s no peace.

Naturally, the left hates it.

For more than a century, lefties have talked about such a revolt. But if you really paid attention, the actual role of the working class in their working-class revolution was not to call the shots — it was to do what it was told by the “intellectual vanguard” of the left.

A working-class revolution led by the working class is the left’s worst nightmare because the working class doesn’t want what the left wants. The working class wants jobs, a stable economy, safe streets, low inflation, schools that teach things and a conservative, non-adventurous foreign policy that won’t get a lot of working-class people killed. It’s not excited about gender fluidity, critical race theory, “modern monetary theory,” foreign adventures and defunding police.

Click on the link for the rest.