
Profiles in courage: Cait Corrigan, Andrew Wakefield, and the British people

From Darka Pecanac: đź’ś Vaxxed London calling


Andrew Wakefield interviewed by Del Bigtree about “1986: The Act,” his new documentary about the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, passed that year, and its horrific consequences

(Better download this one.)


Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines are NOT safe or effective

From Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren’t safe or effective. 1. Dr. Nancy Banks – Dr. Russell Blaylock – Dr. Shiv Chopra – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – Dr. Suzanne Humphries – Dr. Larry Palevsky – Dr. Toni Bark – Dr. Andrew Wakefield – Dr. Meryl Nass – Dr. Raymond Obomsawin – Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot – Dr. Robert Rowen – Dr. David Ayoub – Dr. Boyd Haley PhD – Dr. Rashid Buttar – Dr. Roby Mitchell – Dr. Ken Stoller – Dr. Mayer Eisenstein – Dr. Frank Engley, PhD – Dr. David Davis – Dr Tetyana Obukhanych – Dr. Harold E Buttram – Dr. Kelly Brogan – Dr. RC […]


We can learn a thing or two about smear propaganda from my email correspondence with Mark Dery

Here (download below) is my entire email correspondence with Mark Dery, from his initial overture in February through his last few days of fact-checking “The Professor of Paranoia,” his hit-piece for the Chronicle of Higher Education. These emails, and the videos of my two Zoom conversations with the author, comprise the raw materials from which […]


Check it out: I am “the Professor of Paranoia”!

This hit-piece on myself—”The Professor of Paranoia”—has just come out in the Chronicle of Higher Education. It comes as no surprise to me, since it was clear throughout my conversations with Mark Dery that, despite his friendly overtures to me some months ago (we knew each other once upon a time, as he reports), he’s […]


MCM attacked by Wikipedia, as The Guardian reports a frightening surge of “dangerous conspiracy theories” about COVID-19

The Guardian reports a new survey finding that “dangerous conspiracy theories” about COVID-19 are surging, virus-like. This, of course, makes me a major vector: Wikipedia has now sharpened up its entry on myself to make it nastier. From Steve Bhaerman: Hi Mark: I was just referencing your Wikipedia page.  Not even Pravda could have […]


Great interviews, on London Real and elsewhere, on COVID-19, vaccines and the Medical-Industrial Complex

From Guy Vantresca: On the subject of vaccines, Covid1984, and health in general, Brian Rose at London Real has conducted a series of interviews with the greatest truth tellers, all within the last 4 months. Brian is a former hedge fund manager who walked away from that life, did Ayahuasca, and moved to London. He […]