
Why would New York City NOT want this brave, caring nurse at work in city schools?

Yet another sign that Bill De Blasio’s New York is enemy territory.

Dear Mark,

Victoria, the Brave Nurse who blew the whistle on possible COVID vaccine malfeasance in New York City, has just been informed that she is NOT ALLOWED to work in schools for the time being.

You can listen to the audio exchange Victoria had with her employer yourself by CLICKING HERE.

This is an outrage.

It is absurd that a person with the courage to blow the whistle on wrongdoing that may be happening to children and lower-income families gets penalized in this way.

Victoria is an American Hero and should be treated as such. Shame on the people who decided to revoke her credentials because she did the right thing.

It takes true guts to do what she did.

Let’s show Victoria that her sacrifice was worth it.

Be Brave,


Project Veritas

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