From R.S.:
Here we go again. These guys are really sneaky. What slime balls.
Stand for Health Freedom ALERT – HB4244 IS BACK IN COMMITTEE! WITNESS SLIPS NEEDED – SHARE FAR AND WIDE On Thursday evening, January 27, 2022, Rep. Bob Morgan stealthily moved HB4244 back onto the Human Services Committee Hearing schedule for February 2, 2022, at 9 am. Because Rep. Bob Morgan failed to respond to emails and phone calls from his constituents asking for confirmation in writing that he was, as rumored, pulling/tabling the bill, and additionally, had not been updated to indicate any change as of this writing, Stand for Health Freedom and our Illinois partner, Protect Parents’ Rights in Illinois were unwilling to publicly assert that HB4244 was dead – based solely on rumors. WE NEED WITNESS SLIPS TO OPPOSE THIS BILL AGAIN ASAP! FILL OUT ONE FOR EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD, 12 AND OLDER! Witness Slip can be found here How to complete Witness Slips: SECTION I. Enter your name, address, city, and zip code. You can leave Firm/Business and Title blank. If it won’t allow you to leave them blank, enter SELF. SECTION II. FEEL FREE TO TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL HERE or enter SELF. SECTION III. Check that you are an OPPONENT SECTION IV. Unless you are filing a written statement, select RECORD OF APPEARANCE ONLY. Check that you agree to the “Terms of Agreement”. Click “Create (Slip)”. WE MUST STOP THIS BILL NOW! HB4244 will amend the language in the Immunization Data Registry Act to make it so that health care providers, physician’s designees, or pharmacist’s designees MUST provide immunization data to be entered into the immunization data registry. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE WITNESS SLIPS, you and your family must GET ACTIVE NOW click to email your legislators here and then call (numbers listed below) the Human Services Committee and tell them an INVOLUNTARY “Immunization Data Registry” is a violation of the US Constitution and a HUGE OVERSTEP by government which will destroy any remaining public trust in Illinois state leadership. Anna Moeller (D): 217-782-8020 847-841-7130 Lindsey LaPointe (D): 217-782-8400 773-647-1174 Norine K. Hammond (R): 217-782-0416 309-836-2707 Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. (D): 217-782-8117 773-267-2880 Kelly Cassidy (D): 217-782-8088 773-784-2002 Lakesia Collins (D): 217-782-8116 312-298-9181 Tom Demmer (R): 217-782-0535 815-561-3690 Mary E. Flowers (D): 217-782-4207 773-471-5200 Robyn Gabel (D): 217-782-8052 847-424-5401 Amy Grant (R): 217-558-1037 331-218-4182 Jackie Haas (R): 217-782-5981 815-523-7779 Charles Meier (R): 217-782-6401 618-651-0405 Bob Morgan (D): 217-782-0902 847-780-8471 Suzanne Ness (D): 217-782-0432 224-484-8620 Tom Weber (R): 217-782-1664 847-629-5439 Please share this email with 10 of your friends as we need to stand strong and stay persistent Illinois! In Solidarity, Stand for Health Freedom |