
Nicky Hager, once a righteous champion of Julian Assange, is now another bio-fascist pig

So he does not see Assange’s unwilling “vaccination” as yet one more monstrous crime against the latter?

From Alex Hills in NZ:

Dear Mark

I dont know what I’d do without your news! Thank you!! I have a request:

I am sending through my response to Nicky Hager’s attack (bottom link) on freedom fighting kiwis (both video with nz protest footage & written open letter)

I would love this published anywhere possible as I can only assume this attack was ‘pay for say’. Very disappointing for someone who gave evidence at Julian Assange’s trial!

My letter: (reading it out with protest footage in background!)

Offending Article:

My YouTube channel is small but I am founder of Candles4assange (twitter fb .com) who list protests, co-founder FreeAssangeNZ as well as being a former academic who taught Agenda 21 to architecture students. I am now horrified by this agenda after nearly 4 years full time on this propaganda battle – the wider agenda has come horribly to light.

I did a rogue speech in nz parliament once which got widely picked up and retweeted by Kristin Hrafnsson. Wikileaks Editor in Chief. (there is another 2 min version without the music)

I’m also doing music activism with my violin and gradually laying down all the songs on a brand new YT channel. This one is the EU database of adverse reactions in alphabetical order.

Thank you so much.

Alex Hills

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