
The “official” COVID-19 numbers are pure hooey. Look what they did to the professor who exposed them as a fraud. (MUST-READ)

Here in Propaganda-Land, you’re not allowed to question the Official Story (a/k/a Big Lie).


“Academics are supposed to be the ones who question the official narrative, who dig deep,” said Prof. Fenton, “because they would naturally reject infringements of civil liberties and government interventions, especially when those interventions most adversely affect the poorest in society.”  But they’re not. 

Professor Norman Fenton – “We cannot trust any of the ‘official’ statistics driving the Covid-19 narrative.”


The entire Covid-19 pandemic response has been driven by numbers. From the start, in March 2020, we have been bombarded with statistics primarily aimed at keeping us as confused as possible and in a sustained state of fear. Few academics have been as outspoken as Professor Norman Fenton and he regularly speaks out against the blatant manipulation of data.

Prof. Fenton is professor of risk information management at Queen Mary London University. He is also a chartered engineer and a fellow of the British Computing Society. He specialises in using Bayesian statistical methods to challenge data and predict probabilities and — despite academic media censorship — has applied his methods to the Covid numbers and consistently found them wanting.

He was one of the speakers at the ‘Question Everything, Lockdowns Summit’ in London. Below is his presentation at that event:

Alexander tweeted at Prof Fenton, “as someone who really valued your lectures at QM (risk and decision making), would you say your policy stance on COVID-19 protocol is primarily influenced by academic findings or personal philosophy regarding individual liberty?”

Prof. Fenton responded, “Alexander asks a very good question which requires a thread to answer.”  So begins his thread in response and the tenth and final tweet in the thread said, “Finally I’ve come to the conclusion that we cannot trust any of the ‘official’ statistics driving the Covid19 narrative.” 

Should Twitter censor or remove Prof Fenton’s thread we have attached a PDF copy of it immediately below.  The links to articles and videos attached in his thread can be found listed under ‘further reading/viewing’ at the end of this article.

During the recent interview below Prof. Fenton discussed the flaws in the statistics, what that means in terms of “managing the pandemic” and the personal attacks he has been subjected to for speaking out.
Pandemic Podcast: Can we believe any of the Covid numbers with Professor Norman Fenton

Below are a few of the points Prof. Fenton discussed in his interview and should YouTube remove it, it can also be viewed HERE.

Flawed Covid-19 Statistics

At the beginning of the pandemic, in the UK, the only people who were being tested and classified as a Covid case where those who were already hospitalised with serious symptoms, said Prof. Fenton, and that meant that the population infection rate was being underestimated, while the infection fatality rate was being overestimated.  Prof. Fenton published articles in peer-reviewed journals that argued that – to get the true infection and fatality rates there had to be widespread random testing. Subsequently this did happen, said Prof. Fenton, “but ironically, I now believe that’s been the biggest mistake of all.”

In May / June 2020, Prof. Fenton and his team found that the case fatality rate was much lower than originally assumed. “And I thought it was increasingly strange that the government was using very simplistic case numbers to drive policy decisions at that time, like lockdowns, without any kind of cost benefit analysis,” said Prof. Fenton.

His first concerns about “the narrative” began when they realised that “the widely publicised government Office for National Statistics data which claimed that black and minority ethnic [BAME] people were over four times more likely to die than whites was massively exaggerated” which was causing unnecessary fear within the BAME community.  From then on, more and more questions arose regarding Government statistics and policies culminating in:

How many cases have there been?

How many hospitalizations have there been?

How many deaths have there been?

We really do have no idea about what those figures really are, said Prof. Fenton, because it’s all driven through PCR testing. “All those key graphs that they show, it’s all driven by this definition of a case being a positive test. And because of this failure to distinguish, or at least to provide us with the data that distinguishes, between symptomatic and asymptomatics who test positive … In fact, we don’t know how many people are actually currently ill with Covid symptoms or have been ill with Covid symptoms.”

Click on the link for the rest.

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