
Graphene, aluminum, LNP capsids (and more) found in “vaccines” by Dr. Robert Young, who links its effects to EMF

From Vicki Gold:

Dear Friends,

This is so information-dense many will not pursue. However for those who want to explore the area of connecting the dots with Graphene Oxide in the EBA (Experimental Biological Agent) and EMF radiation pulse triggering this is a fascinating interview.

One of our members shared this with me this morning before viewing. I’m posting now as I consider this to be essential in order to understand the symptoms present in those with whatever Covid 19 is and also EMF radiation poisoning. This is so informative on many levels. It is common sense advice on how to stay healthy. However when we learn from others that Graphene Oxide is being sprayed for the purpose of ice nucleation, and with 5G from Space, there is no place to hide. Our environment is not healthy. He says when the 4th wave comes out those injected will be  like a cell tower.. He says the actual photo of the virus is seen in pictures of all the poles running down the street.  

I heartily recommend spending the required time in viewing this video. Dr. Young has worked with Dr. Beverly Rubik on live blood and electron microscopic studies on blood from people exposed to microwave frequencies and now is studying the content of injections produced by all 4 drug companies. 

Ramola D is an excellent interviewer. I found Dr Young’s interruptions during the first 40 minutes annoying, yet see from the comments that it was a production problem. Both are extremely well informed. I guarantee you will learn from this significant investment of time. His message is to return to Nature, hydration and self care. He is not selling anything. (Aside: he does wear a Q Link passive pendant and states he has done double blind studies, but he has no stock, interest or ownership in this company. He says it works in synchronicity with your heart and is like a tuning fork.)  “Be the change you want to see.” Gandhi. You are the cause or creator of your consequences. Contextual viewing seeing positive and negative space. Intelligence is from the root words “within and lines” means being able to read between the lines. Fish are only as healthy as the water they swim in. 

This is so information dense many will not pursue. However for those who want to explore the area of connecting the dots with Graphene Oxide in the EBA (Experimental Biological Agent)and EMF pulse triggering this is a fascinating article.

One of our members shared this with me this morning before viewing. I’m sharing now as I consider this to be essential in order to understand the symptoms present in those with whatever Covid 19 is and EMF radiation poisoning. This is so informative on so many levels. It is common sense advice on how to stay healthy. However when we learn from others that Graphene Oxide is being sprayed for the purpose of ice nucleation, and with 5G from Space, there is no place to hide. 

A few notes:
Our environment is not healthy. He says when the 4th wave comes out you’re like a cell tower if you are “vaccinated”. He actually says the actual photo of the virus is seen in pictures of all the poles running down the street. 
This is about chemical and radioactive poisoning. There is no isolated virus that you can link to the cause of those symptoms. Irradiation is causing disease. Putting on a mask will not protect you from microwaves. The inoculations are a contributing factor to causing hypoxia, pathological blood coagulation. 

“The name ‘vaccine’ is likely to be an escamotage (trickery) used for bureaucratic and technocratic reasons in order to receive an urgent approval, ignoring all the normal rules necessary for new drugs, especially for those involving novel nanotechnological mechanisms which have never been developed nor experienced by humans anywhere, at any time in history of World.”

From show notes comments:

“Nanotechnological investigations on Covid-19 vaccines.
White paper on vaccines’ compositions”
“The analyzed “vaccines” present components that are not mentioned in the technical data sheet and whose presence does not seem to have to do with the concept of vaccine. Since they are not included in the documentation presented to the Governmental organizations (FDA, EMA, etc.) for the legal approval aimed at the commercialization and the human use, they seem to be a contamination probably due to the industrial process of manufacturing. It seems that nobody controlled the final product before its distribution. That means that consumers are not informed of the real content of the products. Possible side effects may be due to the injection of those contaminants into the body.”

Graphene applications: what is graphene used for? | Graphene-Info —-> check out the hexagonal mesh PR pic atoms self assemble when EMF exposed, body is EMF to – – Charles Lieber patents essential research, worked for Musk, DARPA, Moderna

Bit concerning commercial aircraft could be line spraying graphene oxide as classed as an industrial toxin requiring a respirator and PPE. 7Feb19 – How safe is graphene? – nanowerk news – – 

Always in Gratitude,


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