
Dr. Pierre Kory shows—and proves—that Ivermectin would reduce COVID-19 mortality to ZERO

That this crucial information is unknown to most of us is further evidence that Dr. Fauci, and Bill Gates, and all those others rolling out those dangerous “vaccines” aren’t interested at all in saving lives: on the contrary.

From Diana Cook:

This presentation is almost the same as his interview with Dr. Syed (drbeen), but it is without interruption.In early part of the lecture he prevents overwhelming evidence for the success of Ivermectin

He mentioned 100’s of colleagues and health workers in Argentina? who have been taking it prophylactically for months and never got sick. This is awesome! There are massive reductions in mortality.  Nobody goes to the hospital.  The only times we run into trouble is if we wait too long to start treatment.

Here is a website devoted to the success of Ivermectin:

The trials are updated every day.  Dr. Kory will publish his recent paper online in a few days at  It is peer reviewed by scientists at FDA.  Accepted by American Journal of Therapeutics.  There was a dramatic reduction in mortality. 

Ivermectin treatment is superior to many vaccines in reducing the risk of contracting COVID-19!

Shows decrease in deaths after Ivermectin is deployed in 8 Peruvian states.  All patients were over 60.  Their cases became out of control after the government banned or restricted its use.

This chart compares effect of using Ivermectin in rural areas (blue) vs. Lima (red) which doesn’t use Ivermectin.  NOTE:  with use of Ivermectin deaths plummet—but not when it isn’t used.

The mayor of Porto Alegre, Brazil mandated the use of Ivermectin.  The deaths PLUMMETED compared to deaths in other big cities.

India showing increases in deaths and infections.  BUT NOT IN STATES WHERE THEY USED IVERMECTIN!

Mexico City uses test and treat strategy. 

Many countries have no access to vaccines.  They could use Ivermectin instead! India AVIS now advocates Ivermectin usage.  Dr. Kory now predicts cases and deaths will drop in about 2 weeks.

Look at Zimbabwe, for instance!  They adopted Ivermectin in Jan.  Now deaths are almost 0!

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