
NBC News spent weeks on a virologist’s struggle with COVID-19—but he never had it

More propaganda fiction from the “respected” news outlet that, in April of 2019, ran the tale that “spoiled brat” Julian Assange had smeared the walls of his Ecuadorian asylum with his own “fecal matter” (a lie that was inaudibly refuted by embassy staffers); has repeatedly, and mawkishly, pumped out White Helmet lies as gospel truth; pushed “Russia-gate” as fervently, and groundlessly, as Rachel Maddow did (and still does),while casting skeptics as the dupes of foreign “Twitter bots”; has run numerous false stories on the ineffectiveness and dangers of hydroxychloroquine; and, lately, has been doubling down on the fantasy that Russia paid “bounties” to the Taliban to kill US troops in Afghanistan.

Such is the crapola churned out endlessly by NBC “News”—and the sort of “journalism”that has magnified the COVID-19 threat beyond all reason, and with such dire consequences that NBC News, NBC/Universal and the latter’s owner, Comcast, should all be tried for crimes against humanity.

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Florida’s “surging case rates” (with NO uptick in mortality) may have been inflated up to 30%

Anything to keep the panic going.

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Why the WHO faked a pandemic

This piece is from ten years ago, concerning the swine flu pandemic that wasn’t. Michael Fumento, its author, describes himself as “an attorney, author, and journalist who has been documenting epidemic hysterias for 35 years.” His other writings in that vein—including one posted on July 9, on the hysteria today—are at:

Having said that, I feel obliged to note that, if COVID-19 is indeed a bioweapon, as ever more evidence suggests, and if the end-game here is to get all the world injected with the impending witch’s brew of human DNA and Bill Gates’ nanoparticles, we would be foolish to ignore the possibility, or likelihood, that some new pathogen—a COVID-20, say—might not be loosed upon us in the coming months. (It could be that bubonic plague, reportedly discovered in Mongolia just last week:

That scenario seems all the likelier for Bill/Melinda’s gleeful forecast of “the next one,” which “will get attention this time.” If that moment doesn’t necessarily prove that something still more evil this way comes, it definitely proves that those two fake humanitarians are actually a pair of psychopaths, who ought to be indefinitely quarantined, ASAP, for our protection:

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So Sweden was right after all

Here’s a summary of the latest evidence reconfirming the eventual judgment of Norway’s own health minister, and (more quietly) the UK’s Neil “Lockdown” Ferguson, that Sweden made the right call after all—an inconvenient fact that “our free press” has either blacked out or misreported, in order to protect the current propaganda drive to lock down the United States again, with agony and face masks for all. 

Meanwhile, there’s been no discussion of the similar success of other countries, and states, that have done quite well in this crisis without locking down at all—e.g., Taiwan, Japan, Iceland and Ethiopia; Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and the Dakotas—nor any mention of the similarly inconvenient fact that New Zealand, hailed for its draconian lockdown policy, did not mandate face masks. 

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