
“You let them put the fear on you… and not a word of it was true”: Eric Clapton plays Van Morrison’s anti-lockdown “Stand and Deliver”

This version foregrounds the lyrics:

This rougher one, which skips some verses, features more of Clapton’s guitar:

And here, as a holiday bonus, is a video of Clapton, and Paul McCartney, performing George Harrison’s “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” and with such soul and power that it may make you weep. (George’s son Dhani is among the many others playing on that stage,)

George’s lyrics are uncannily appropriate today.

3 replies on ““You let them put the fear on you… and not a word of it was true”: Eric Clapton plays Van Morrison’s anti-lockdown “Stand and Deliver””

Mark, Debbie here from a former youtube channel. I just went to your Go Fund me link and is not linking it. I also posted a long comment in support and they censored it. Be careful with, they will direct people to give them money and act like it is for you. Be VERY clear, cut and paste the address directly in your post for fundraising so it shows up as plain text. Please email me for fundraising help. Thank you so much. I am so beyond sorry for what is happening to you, and so beyond proud of you for standing up.

I hope the fix to donating to you, Mark, has been made (per Deborah L.’s comment on 12/21). I want to contribute a modest sum of support, too. Both your case and Julian Assange’s are serious threats to freedom of speech and democratic principles. We must stand strong and speak loudly to denounce this now!

Thank you for your courage, sir. Now is the time we all need to stand together and fight (I never thought a day would come when we have to fight for free speech in America). Thank you and may God bless you.

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