
Bio-fascism at Penn State

From a Facebook friend:

We have a senior at Penn State. The COVID saliva test is available and free. Get tested when you want as many times as you want (but docs won’t test me unless I have symptoms). She came home with two friends this past weekend. Before they came, all three got tested—results were negative. On their return, they were required by the school to test again because “they were out of town.” Friends’ results came back negative, but our student was positive. I said it’s false, get tested again. She goes to the on-campus clinic to do a deep-nose swab test. The PA state college puts her and her two friends into isolation because she tested positive and they were exposed. Her results come back from the second test – negative. Her first test was a false-positive.

Her friends weren’t exposed because she doesn’t have COVID. But someone from the tracer team calls. She must stay in isolation for 5 more days and her friends for 10 more days. Why? “Out of an abundance of care!” And because “technically she tested positive.” So, she becomes another “asymptomatic” positive case at PSU. And her friends are in isolation for being exposed to a person who doesn’t have COVID. 

You can’t make this stuff up. It’s no longer about the virus. It’s about tests, masks, power, and control. How do we get out of this horrible nightmare?!

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