
Trump and Biden are as one on Venezuela

More on the Great Clash between Tweedledum and Tweedledumber.

Article link:


RFK, Jr. debates Alan Dershowitz on mandatory vaccination (MUST-WATCH)

Another setback for Voldemort.

From Ed Curtin:

Made more extraordinary by RFK’s self-discipline in not responding to Dershowitz when he said Sirhan Sirhan killed Bobby’s father.


Florida Keys delays vote on release of 750 million GM mosquitoes after public outcry

A setback for Voldemort.


UC Berkeley offering online courses ONLY next semester

This is actually a national disgrace, as countless members of the US professoriate, freaked out by the terroristic propaganda they’ve been avidly absorbing from the New York Times and NPR, and, therefore, knowing nothing about COVID-19, or the most rational responses to it, are OUTRAGED at the thought of going back to teach in-person, evidently thinking it’s okay for their students to pay that sky-high tuition, and sink into a lifetime of debt peonage, to “learn” via Zoom. They also evidently think that their going AWOL won’t result in their employers going out of business; so this academic cave-in to pure terror is not just grossly unfair to the students, and their families, but ultimately suicidal, too.

That Berkeley in particular is going all-“remote” (a boon to Bill Gates and his plutocratic cohorts in Big Tech) is especially appalling, as that’s where Mario Savio started the Free Speech Movement; and now the Berkeley faculty will be teaching all their classes under full (albeit covert) surveillance, as Zoom is notoriously insecure. As one who teaches courses on propaganda, with students from all over—including China—speaking freely of their experiences of state “persuasion,” I see “online instruction” as a danger to their safety, and an excellent reason for them to clam up. (That’s just one reason why I myself intend to teach for real again this fall, even though I’m 70, and, therefore, statistically more vulnerable than countless younger colleagues who will be spending this next term gratuitously “sheltering in place.”)

As Giorgio Agamben has argued, this academic fealty to the paranoid ideal of “biosecurity” on campus is as flagrant a betrayal of their calling as it was when the Italian professoriate pledged allegiance to Fascism under Mussolini.

Article link:


Campus “left” now channelling George Wallace

I wonder how many white “progressive” FACULTY would also be okay with this.


Joe Biden promises his wealthy corporate backers that he’ll be as hard on them as Trump has been. (Who’ll tell Bernie?)

Trump vs. Biden is Tweedledum vs. Tweedledumber (and that is REALLY saying something).

Article link:


The Big Crackdown is upon us

From Kevin Barry:

The email below is a Paul Revere from the UK screaming, “the culling is coming”.

This email warning from an internet broadcaster rings true to me. I’ve heard similar things from friends who work in Big Data giants in the US. The censorship cull is coming under the guise of stopping Russian “fake news”. They have already censored information that does not conform to WHO’s recommendations. The information below is a logical progression of that strategy. Google, FB, and Twitter will help censor as a favor to the governments in exchange for lack of regulation.

So – as we already know, but the reminder doesn’t hurt – back up your videos, seek social media replatforming, and most importantly, spread the warning to others.


PS – The part about YouTube intentionally undercounting is interesting. What if YouTube only counted 1 in 10 of the views of the Perspectives on the Pandemic series?

———- Forwarded message ———
From: John Stone <johnda…>
Date: Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 11:03 AM
Subject: Fwd: Rumours/’InsideInfo’ on what is coming

Richie Allen is a British internet broadcaster

Begin forwarded message:

Date: 22 July 2020 at 15:35:30 BST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Rumours/’InsideInfo’ on what is coming

I was passed this, I believe written by Richie Allen

‘Howya friends. Little bit of news. I’ve a couple of mates who work for Google. They both must remain anonymous of course. They drip feed me bits of information from time to time. Around four years ago, one of them told me that the demonetisation of alternative news channels would become standard. He was right as I learned when my original YouTube channel, which had nearly 100,000 subscribers, was deleted for no reason, three years ago.

I heard from him this morning. He told me two things. He said that when the covid vaccine is ready, or shortly before then, Google/YouTube is planning to take down thousands of channels that have traditionally hosted open discussion around vaccine safety. They will do this he said, in tandem with Facebook and Twitter. According to him, discussions between all three have already taken place. He reckons it’ll be the biggest culling to date, of content creators and independent vloggers/commentators.

While this may be unsurprising, it is important news and I trust him implicitly. He also said that it is his belief (and I’ve said as much myself) that Russian interference claims are nothing but a smokescreen for mass censorship. They (the royal they), know damn well that the Russians are not responsible for spreading anti-vaccine information online, pro-Brexit propaganda or information about 5G. They KNOW he said, that these initiatives are grassroots organisations, set up by genuinely concerned citizens, but that the easiest way to legislate for them and ultimately to censor them, is to blame Russia. Problem Reaction Solution. He’s right. Again I have said as much many times.

Last year, Professor Julian Petley, one of the UK’s finest journalists and teachers, told me before an interview that he was worried about me. He’d been attending journalist conferences and one or two conferences on fake news. Julian is an unswerving proponent of free speech. He said my name was coming up a lot and that there may be some movement against me or the show. When I told him that I wasn’t working for anyone and was broadcasting from a home studio rather than a radio station, he was somewhat relieved, but nonetheless told me to watch my back.

This morning, my Google mate said that The RA Show is on a shortlist of programmes to not only be removed from YouTube (which I don’t care about at all), but also to be removed from Google search results too. He said the RA show replacement channel, which has 31,000 subs, has in reality many more, but they’re not being counted. Worse still he said, the viewing numbers are fixed so that less than one in ten views are shown. The point of this he went on, is to dissuade people from watching, people apparently being more inclined to watch content that’s showing hundreds of thousands of views.

Now I couldn’t give a fiddlers about YT viewing figures or subscribers as you well know. The bulk of my audience listens live as it is a live radio show, or they grab the podcast from iTunes, Spotify, Podomatic etc. And viewing/listening numbers say nothing about the quality of a show in any case, but it’s important to note this, cos they ain’t just doing it to me.

Asked if there’s any concern among his fellow employees about what is happening, my mate said no. Or at least nobody has said anything. Maybe they are like him, worried about the prospect of losing a tech job, being labelled a troublemaker and struggling to get another one. Share this widely as your favourite Youtubers need to know that this mass cull is coming to coincide with the arrival of the covid-vaccine, so that they can back up their videos, something which they should be doing, but many don’t. Anyhow, thanks for reading. I’m on air at 5. Loads to do. Speak later’


On being totally “disappeared” by Google (and slimed by Wikipedia)

Ron Unz’s latest, on his being “disappeared” by Google, prompted me to see how Google is now dealing with myself. While my name, and NFU, still come up, what the curious Google searcher sees first about me is a revised Wikipedia entry, far more hostile than the surprisingly impartial one that they’d been running. Now I’m a subversive menace, pushing “hoaxes” and flogging one “discredited” notion after another.

For some time now, “conspiracy theory” has been cast not merely as insane but downright dangerous—a theme that started, if I remember right, when that guy barrelled into Comet Pizza with a rifle and fired a few shots into the ceiling, reportedly on a psychotic mission to “save the children” who, he’d been persuaded to believe by Pizzagaters, were captive somewhere on the premises. The flagrant takeaway from that performance was that “conspiracy theorists” are a clear and present danger to society.

Now that everyone’s at risk from the coronavirus, that propaganda subtheme has exploded into a nonstop, all-pervasive symphony of fear and loathing, as anyone who questions ANY aspect of the COVID-19 master-narrative is made to seem as lethal as the coronavirus (is still said to be) itself.

Announcement link:


“Almost no one understands what’s at stake” with Gates/Moderna’s hideous COVID-19 “vaccine”: MUST-READ commentary by RFK, Jr.


Major study of Building 7 to be released Sept. 3

Announcement link: