
COVID-19 hasn’t slowed the catastrophic “race to 5G” (whose dangers will make cigarettes look like lollipops)

Part I of an investigative piece from May, now timelier than ever.

BTW, we can thank Obama/Trump, and, of course, the FCC, for pushing this—and the New York Times/Verizon, among others. 

From Gary Kohls:

Note to Anti-over-vaccination colleagues: Given the fact that 1) 5G is known to damage DNA and, given the fact that 2) vaccines are also known to cause DNA damage, shouldn’t the vaccine corporations and their supporters in the NIH, the CDC, the NIAID, etc be forced to acknowledge the high risk of synergistic DNA damage and therefore be required to do extensive testing on all categories of potential patients (7 billion, according to Bill Gates) who are going to be at risk of exposure to both toxins simultandously (5G and each of the new experimental vaccines)?

Basic medical ethics would require doing double-blind safety testing on all age, racial, pregnancy, chronic illness, etc categories that will be at risk. Discuss. GGK 


Help ICAN stop the COVID-19 vaccine juggernaut!


Apparently, or reportedly, it was huge cache of ammonium nitrate that blew up in Beirut

Article link:


BREAKING: Was a nuclear bomb dropped on Beirut?


Some educated questions on that huge explosion in Beirut.

From Paul Lehto:

Though I am no munitions expert, I used to operate a gas plant and so am trained with regard to fuel explosions. The initial blast is orange, indicating a temperature cooler than nuclear fission. The white gray clouds are with the advancing pressure wave. There appears to have been a fire in progress before detonation.

The tell for a chemical munition is not visible in this video but occurs when you can see the colors when the plume slows down. Munitions experts would have to comment on that.

Possibly this could be a fuel-air bomb or “poor man’s nuke” ignited by an initial chemical explosion but that requires a means of creating a relatively ideal cloud of fossil fuel vapor somehow, either intentionally or by a relatively freak occurrence. Such an explosion creates an especially massive pressure wave like the one we see here that damaged buildings up to ten miles away and was felt up to a hundred miles away (it was a 3.3 earthquake equivalent).

Other videos would provide more information. Reports suggest there was a large cache of ammonium nitrate there. If that is true, it is a real head scratcher what that was doing in a port storage facility in a big city.

Were there secondary explosions? What did the plume look like ten seconds after detonation? Did anyone observe fuel somehow sprayed into the air? At this point there are lots of unanswered questions but it doesn’t seem nuclear and I imagine somebody has Geiger counters there. If it was just ammonium nitrate there is no reason to believe people in Beirut are any less aware of its danger than those of us living in areas less afflicted by war. So, this is a bit of a mystery right now.


Number of Americans who plan to get shot falls to 42% (a new low)

This is why the Pentagon will be involved.

Time for the Silent Majority to UNIFY—across all racial/gender/regional/party boundaries—against the Compliant Minority.

Article link:


A modest proposal to starve the American people into “voluntarily” getting that injection

Article link:


100% of participants in Gates’ (rushed) Moderna vaccine trials felt side effects, some suffering “one or more severe events”

Article link:


Ben Swann on that MAMMOTH protest in Berlin, and the growing rebellion here

Another one to share—and download—ASAP.

(Clearly, there were far more people in the streets that day than 17,000, or 20,000, as West’s “free press” reported.)

URGENT: Signatures due by 8:00 p.m. TOMORROW, to stop the FCC’s approval of (untested) 5G rollout!

Link to letter:


Welcome to Maine! (Your papers, please.)

Janet Mills is yet another Democratic governor who uses “Trump” as an excuse for, and distraction from, her own irrational and tyrannous restrictions, destroying Maine in order to “protect” it:

From Tyler Austin:

I just heard anecdotally from a colleague in Maine. A couple visiting a restaurant, outdoor seating, was approached by a police officer, who had observed their Massachusetts license plate. He asked for their travel papers (proof of a negative covid test within 72 hours, I believe). They could not produce said papers. He fined them $1,000 on the spot.

Welcome to The Land of the Free.