
FDA deems vaccines “effective” even if they don’t prevent disease (!)

From Michael Green:

A little-known fact is that the FDA may license vaccines as “effective” whether or not they prevent the target illness.  In its January 29, 2016 “How Flu Vaccine Effectiveness and Efficacy are Measured” the CDC quietly admits that “National regulatory authorities, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, require RCTs (randomized control trials) to be conducted and to demonstrate the protective benefits of a new vaccine before the vaccine is licensed for routine use. However, some vaccines are licensed based on RCTs that use antibody response to the vaccine as measured in the laboratory, rather than decreases in influenza disease among people who were vaccinated.” So the production of an anti-body response in blood samples taken from volunteers—or perhaps even in vitro antibody response in blood samples—suffices to make it “effective” for the FDA and CDC whether or not it prevents the flu.

In his latest riveting account of the imposition of arbitrary tyranny that flies in the face of the medical facts under whose auspices draconian treatments, tracking and tracing are being imposed, Joseph Mercola, M.D. documents that the current vaccine trials have abandoned even the pretense that the vaccines must prevent COVID: they need only make its (already mild for the vast majority of us) symptoms milder.  So to COVID, that is as harmless to most of us as the flu, that can be significantly prevented by diet or prophylactic treatments (D3 + zinc + Quercetin; HCQ + zinc for frontline medical providers); that is easily treated (HCQ + zinc + antibiotic; Ivermectin + zinc + antibiotic; budesonide + zinc + antibiotic, etc.), the only viable answer put to the public mind remains some place along the continuum of police-state lockdown, destruction of the competitive retail economy and the smashing of lives that entails, and mandatory injection with unsafe vaccines that are declared by their makers not to stop COVID, the supposed plague that is the supposed reason for all that we suffer. 

Basta!  But they won’t stop on their own.

How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged


MCM attacked by Wikipedia, as The Guardian reports a frightening surge of “dangerous conspiracy theories” about COVID-19

The Guardian reports a new survey finding that “dangerous conspiracy theories” about COVID-19 are surging, virus-like.

This, of course, makes me a major vector: Wikipedia has now sharpened up its entry on myself to make it nastier.

From Steve Bhaerman:

Hi Mark:

I was just referencing your Wikipedia page.  Not even Pravda could have slanted this final paragraph more:

“Miller is a 9/11 truther.[5][6] and is a signatory to the 9/11 Truth Statement.[7] Interviewed by the New York Observer website, Miller said anyone using the conspiracy theory description “in a pejorative sense is a witting or unwitting CIA asset”.[8] Following a “truthers” symposium on 9/11, “Justice in Focus”, Miller told Vice the official explanations for 9/11 and the assassination of John F. Kennedy “are just as unscientific as the ones that everybody feels comfortable ridiculing”, referring to conservatives dismissal of global warming.[9] Miller has shown his students the anti-vaccination film Vaxxed made by the disgraced physician Andrew Wakefield.[5] He has defended the false claims made in Vaxxed of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, and the assertion that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been involved in a cover-up.[8]”

You could use it in your class as a classic example of propaganda … “disgraced physician” (does that mean Bill Gates is “graced”?) … “defended his false claims”.  Conveniently enough, college kids are now so thoroughly brainwashed with PC hogwash that they have no sense of discernment.  I wonder how many would recognize the bias of this “fact-checking” site. [At least my own students learn to see through such jive—MCM.]



Naomi Klein’s denial of the Great Reset

The video at the link I posted was taken down, but not by Facebook. It was an excerpt from this MUST-WATCH presentation by Alison Hawver McDowell.

Watch it while you can, or download it:


Singapore halts flu shots as post-vaccination deaths in South Korea climb to 59

Article link:


We now have 14,055 signatories of the NYU petition! PLEASE help get us up to 15,000.

I’d like to submit it this week, before the deluge on, and following, Election Day; so if you haven’t signed and/or shared it, please do.

Many thanks again for your support.


Facebook muscling NYU research project

As one who’s being muscled by NYU for urging thorough study of certain scientific findings, I find this news a tad ironic.

Article link:


Google’s book search is a disaster for scholarship

From 2009, but more relevant than ever.

Article link:


Cory Morningstar on the true purpose of the “climate movement,” and much more, interviewed by Jason Bosch


Fake “fact checks” are a mortal threat to journalism and democracy (Sharyl Attkisson)

Article link:


FEAR is the Great Plague that’s killing us, and it’s not of natural origin (MUST-READ)

From Michael Green:

It is difficult to overpraise the second gem in a row from Mercola, organizing in neat linear form what is happening to us and how. It’s much the stuff that Corbett did in his “Great Reset” video last week, but it is in print, readable, and clearly organized.  I only wish that he hadn’t ended with Lord Sumption’s quote that states that the impetus for decisive action, and hence the totalitarian response, comes from the people; this is entirely contrary to the thrust of everything that precedes it in this and yesterday’s piece.  The difficulty, as ever, is what I stated in my final essay: we are faced with the obstacle of telling an eagerly brainwashed people a deep truth essential to their future and well-being yet so inimical to their world-view and sensibility that we are deemed mad or speaking in tongues.   So the debates about masks, vaccine safety-efficacy, schoolchildren infection rates/mortality, when to reopen businesses, etc. keeps spinning away from the central kaleidoscopic horror in which they are glistening distractions embedded in a false phantasmagoria.