
Coming on May 10: “Pandamned,” a German documentary on COVID as a means of mass enslavement

This looks good.


Dr. Paul Alexander on what Fauci and “our free press” did to him, for sending an INTERNAL email noting that “the science” justified allowing children to return to school

They did the same to Dr. Scott Atlas, who also briefly served as an advisor to Trump/Pence, and whose book A Plague Upon Our House tells his story of systematic defamation by the media, for the crime of disagreeing with Fauci/Birx. 

By thus colluding with state bureaucrats like Fauci and Collins, to smear and silence those with differing views, “our free press” served as an institutional accomplice to the government’s suppression of free speech.  

I urge everyone to please distribute this widely. Ex-Trump covid advisor Dr. Paul Alexander is Exhibit A for proof of Fauci/CDC/NIH/Big Pharma malfeasance. In this spellbinding interview, Dr. Alexander talks about how when he tried to provide Fauci et al solid science for not locking down schools and not masking children, he was viciously attacked, told his “balls” would be “cut off” and then smeared in the media. He also says W.H.O. lied about no “human to human” transmission of the corona virus early on and that Operation Warp Speed “snookered” Americans into paying billions upfront for useless and harmful vaccines.


STAGFLATION is HERE, brought on by the government (and media) now blaming COVID/Putin for it


“Hypnotized people can agree to anything, even mass-suicide, unless they snap out of it”: Ed Curtin on what’s happened to our time-sense under digital technology and non-stop propaganda


FBI warrantless searches of Americans’ data doubled from 2020 to 2021

A “senior official” claims they did it to determine which Americans had been “targeted” by Russia.


Trafficking victim Alisha Owen on Nick Bryant’s first podcast


“Study” hailed by “our free press” is nothing more than hate speech in “scientific” drag, further vilifying the “unvaccinated”

“Fiction Disguised as Science to Promote Hatred” by Dr. Byram W. Bridle


The worm turns: Chicago Sun-Times, a Covidian rag, goes after Dr. Fauci for his “arrogance”

​Only two years late!


Is the US planning a nuclear first strike on Russia?

​If you think Washington has somehow been set free from the psychopathic types who wanted JFK to nuke the Kremlin, you better think again. 

This war propaganda has to end, before it ends the rest of us.

Is America Planning a First Strike Against Russia?

By Philip Kraske

Now there on the hillside a great herd of swine was feeding; and the unclean spirits begged Jesus, “Send us into the swine; let us enter them.” So he gave them permission. And the unclean spirits came out and entered the swine; and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea, and were drowned in the sea.

— Mark 5:11-13

If there is a metaphor for the West now, it is the Gadarene swine, possessed by “unclean spirits,” rushing madly down the slope and into the sea. The swine are the citizenries of the United States and its allies, and the spirits correspond to our modern MICIMATT, Ray McGovern’s shorthand for the Establishment. Can anything in American history compare with the present hysteria regarding Russia and its glum leader Vladimir Putin? By this benchmark, McCarthyism was rinky-dink name-calling. Post-9/11 fright lasted for years, but anti-Saddam sentiment was a fad, and Osama bin Laden was a kind of honorary bad guy, the frail ghost of blurry videos. But the western media has granted Putin full arch-villain status as a figure of evil. Someone call Spiderman.

Click on the link for the rest.


Belief in “Science” is the opposite of science