
NYC investigating middle school Big-Pharma-propaganda play attacking “unvaxxed” students

NYC Department of Education investigating middle school COVID play

By  Jon Levine

February 19, 2022

To jab or not to jab, that is the question.

An Upper West Side middle school is facing a tempest from parents after staging a play which warned unvaccinated kids would not have friends.

The December holiday show at MS 243 Center School on 84th Street and Columbus Avenue featured around 10 fifth- to eighth-graders swaying back and forth while belting out lyrics to the tune of ’80s hit “The Safety Dance,” including: “It’s safe to vax/and if your friends don’t vax/then they ain’t no friends of mine.”

The performance was more PSA than play, hammering home the importance of vaccines through dance numbers, songs, and skits that ridiculed anyone not falling in line.

Click on the link for the rest.

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