From Dylan Harnett:
By coincidence, I just found this information on Blackstone the other day.
New York Times global economics correspondent Peter Goodman was on The Hill’s Rising to talk about the pandemic and promote his new book, Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World.
1:05 at
Peter Goodman: We’ve got a global economy that’s been engineered to send more wealth to a handful of people who have the power.
[…] Just take Steve Schwarzman, who is the CEO of Blackstone, the world’s largest private equity company, who in the run-up to the pandemic was sinking billions of dollars into the American health-care system as part of a wave of the investor class, turning healthcare into a part of our life that is functioning like most other businesses.
Y’know, they reduce capacity in order to jack up the prices; The same way your airline wants all the seats to be full, hospital rooms are supposed to be full.
That’s how we went into a pandemic, the worst pandemic in a hundred years, having lost roughly a third of all the hospital rooms in the United States over the last two decades.
(Peter Goodman also spoke to Amy Goodman on Democracy Now.)
There are a couple articles about Blackstone and covid-corruption. TeamHealth is owned by Blackstone…
… In 2017, TeamHealth, the nation’s largest staffing firm for ER doctors, sued a small insurance company in Texas over a few million dollars of disputed bills.
Over 2 1/2 years of litigation, the case has provided a rare look inside TeamHealth’s own operations at a time when the company, owned by private-equity giant Blackstone, is under scrutiny for soaking patients with surprise medical bills and cutting doctors’ pay amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Hundreds of pages of tax returns, depositions and other filings in state court in Houston show how TeamHealth marks up medical bills in order to boost profits for investors.
[…] In a statement for this story, the company says it’s fighting for doctors against insurance companies that are trying to underpay […]
But the Texas court records contradict TeamHealth’s claims that the point of its aggressive pricing is to protect doctors’ pay. In fact, none of the additional money that TeamHealth wrings out of a bill goes back to the doctor who treated the patient. Instead, the court records show, all the profit goes to TeamHealth.[]

“The pandemic put life sciences in the headlines, but Blackstone Group had been quietly building a multibillion-dollar stake in the business for the better part of a decade.“
You might have already seen this:
According to one of Thomas Renz’s whistle-blowers, hospitals make an estimated $100,000 extra at minimum per “Covid” patient. See 12:50 mark at this video: I got the video from the article “Hospital Death Camps Exposed” by Justus R. Hope MD (a pseudonym, I think) for the Desert Review.