
How dumb is SCOTUS? Sotomayor thinks 100,000 children are in ICUs, with COVID; Breyer thinks that everybody in America got COVID yesterday (twice each)

Some great tweets on Sotomayor’s hallucination:

Jane observes:

Justice Breyer says that there were “750 million new covid cases yesterday” There are 330 million people who live in America which means everyone apparently got covid twice in the last 24 hours. 

Jeffrey Tucker Get the Court out of Science [Brownstone Institute]

We have learned today that these people are no smarter than our neighbors, no more qualified to address complicated questions than our friends, and arguably far less informed than the Twittersphere about basic issues of Covid and public health.

The courts have been too acquiescent for too long. If we had a really functioning court system and a Constitution that it followed, the forced closures of March 2020 would have been struck down in hours and ruled out as incompatible with freedom itself. 

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