Could Our Liberation Be Close At Hand By Way Of THIS Document?
Major Murphy’s Text, If Authenticated, Has Shattering Implications: ‘Vaccines’ Copy Spike Proteins DARPA Deemed Too Dangerous, Should Have Been Stopped, Entire Fauci Agenda Is Wrong, Prophylaxis Works
Celia Farber Jan 11
”The details of this program have been concealed since the pandemic began.”
”The reason the disease is so confusing is because it is less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARS-CoV quasi species swarm.”“And that the DoD now mandates vaccines that copy the spike protein previously deemed too dangerous. To me, and to those who informed my analysis, this situation meets no-go or abort criteria with regards to the vaccines until the toxicity of the spike protein can be investigated.”
And, wait for it: (Caps and italics mine, with apologies in advance if it sounds like I am hollering.)
“LIMITING DISEASE TRANSMISSION CAN BE DROPPED AS THE IMPLIED STRATEGIC END, AS IT IS NOT THE ACTUAL PROBLEM, NOR IS IT ACTUALLY FEASIBLE. The strategy will then align early treatment protocols and prophylaxis with the known curatives as ways and means. This course of action will achieve the strategic end of clinical resolution for those that are susceptible to the adverse effects from SARSr-CoV-WIV inoculation.”
—Major Joe Murphy, Marine Program Liaison Officer of Naval Research
More info on Billy Bostickon’s Twitter feed, including tracing the various media outlets, including The Intercept and Project Veritas, which did not entirely confer deep sourcing and/or proper credit. Still, they were part of bringing this all to light.
Billy Bostickson presently believes evidence shows Major Joe Murphy is authentic. I present this all as publicly available information, with my best interpretation as of this moment.
I first saw this, first understood the implications, via Eric Weinstein’s Twitter. And Weinstein works for Peter Thiel, which makes me even more hopeful that this could be a game-changer.
Either we go to prison camps, or Fauci does; I don’t know what our crime is.
What do we think of this phrase “quasi species swarm?”Back to Weinstein’s question: “What am I looking at?”

It’s all but impossible to know what is real anymore, but we should pivot our attention to Major Joe Murphy’s words, and continue to seek to authenticate this.
The implications are staggering.
