
U.S. district judge strikes down Biden’s “vaccine” mandate for federal contractors

Breaking: U.S. District Judge STRIKES DOWN Biden’s vax mandate for federal contractors
by A Green Road Daily News

Judge Tatenhove ruled that the Biden administration lacks the legal authority to force people to get vaccinated in order to contract with the federal government and freely engage in commerce. Biden’s vaccine mandate violates the medical privacy rights of all individuals involved, while ignoring all evidence of natural immunity in the population and the growing evidence of vaccine failure. (There is no scientific evidence that covid vaccines have saved a single life.)

“The question presented here is narrow. Can the president use congressionally delegated authority to manage the federal procurement of goods and services to impose vaccines on the employees of federal contractors and subcontractors? In all likelihood, the answer to that question is no,” Judge Tatenhove affirmed in a 29-page order. It should be noted that Judge Tatenhove pandered to the defendants and argued that the vaccines “are effective” and that governments “in some circumstances, can require citizens to obtain vaccines.”

With the definition of “fully vaccinated” changing every six months — contractors, healthcare workers and private companies across the United States would become permanently enslaved to a fascist medical dictatorship if the mandate is allowed to stand. Not only would they be subjugated into forever compliance, but they would also have to become a forever medical police force, threatening people to do things to their body under duress, against their own will. A vaccine mandate uses discrimination, segregation and bribery to violate an individual’s privacy, faith, conscientious beliefs, health and body autonomy. If a vaccine mandate is allowed to persist through any form of legal precedent, a dangerous threshold will have been breached, and it will take determined, righteous acts of courage to restore the Constitutional order and the respect for natural law. But for now, the rule of law is prevailing, and the communists are taking serious blows from the patriots who are fighting to protect the country.
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A Green Road Daily News | December 5, 2021 at 4:57 am | Categories: General News | URL:

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