
More on “academic freedom” in the halls of Vaxxademia

From Larry Farquharson, to Julie Ponesse:

Hi Julie.

Nice mention.

Mark could have easily included my alma mater’s beauty, “Veritas omnia vincit,” truth conquers all. Wilfrid Laurier University is just down the road from the University of Waterloo he references.

He very kindly emailed me expressing support immediately after my infarction with the powers-that-be a year ago.

We have now traversed what seems like a universe of muckraking insanity, landing at this juncture of mind-blowing groupthinkery.

TVDSB employees, myself included, who have taken a stand were accused of “insubordination” and placed on “suspension without pay” as of 12 noon today.

“Our records indicate that you have not completed the COVID Vaccination Attestation. This is not an optional process and your failure to comply with this requirement constitutes insubordination and is direct a breach of Ministry of Education directives.

As previously noted, a failure to complete the COVID Vaccination Attestation will result in you being suspended without pay. This is your final warning. You are required to complete the COVID Vaccination Attestation by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, September 17th, 2021, failing which you will be immediately suspended without pay.”

Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Warm regards, and in resolute solidarity,


P.S. Excellent article Mark! My fave line: …quoting certain colleagues who obligingly barfed up serviceable pellets of the “vaccine” propaganda. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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