
Thousands protest “vaccine” passports, mask mandates at state capitol in Oklahoma City

BREAKING: Thousands Protest Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates At Oklahoma Capitol, Shout ‘USA’

Thousands are gathering in the Oklahoma State Capitol to make their opposition to forced vaccination, vaccine passports, and face mask mandates known

August 14, 2021

A crowd numbering in the high hundreds have gathered in the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City, where they are rallying in opposition of COVID-19 vaccine passports, face mask mandates, and lockdowns.

The crowd, numbering in the thousands, began gathering earlier today in a line reminiscent of Trump rallies. “A long line of people waited to get into the Oklahoma state capitol today for the #OklahomaFreedomRally, a demonstration against forced Covid vaccine and mask mandates,” wrote The Election Wizard on Twitter.

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