
Most Americans have NOT been “vaccinated”

The propaganda trumpeting those high “vaccination” rates is just as credible as the election “victories” of Bush/Cheney and Biden/Harris.

(So when will we ever learn? Dig into the numbers—and take heart!) 


August 9, 2021 | The Forbidden COVID-19 Chronicles | Pamela A. Popper, President Wellness Forum Health | Need To Know News |

“According to the CDC, 60.8% of all adults are fully vaccinated, and over 80% of seniors have taken the jab. The Kaiser Family Foundation gathered data from 2415 counties and reported that, as of May 11, an average of 28.5% of people living in counties that Trump carried were vaccinated, while 35% of people living in counties carried by Biden were vaccinated, which averages out to about 32%. The government and the media are pushing hard to encourage vaccination, because the real number is much lower than reported. Increasingly, people are deciding not to take the injections. The federal government has purchased a total of 1.41-billion doses, of which only about 405-million doses had been distributed to states by August 6, 2021. The feds have committed to purchase another 562-million doses from Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson by the end of 2021. Another 500-million doses were purchased to send to low-income nations. This is an incredible windfall to the vaccine makers, but impossible to justify in view of the low demand. Millions of doses that have been delivered to states will reach their expiration date at the end of August.” -GEG

“According to the CDC, 60.8% of all adults are fully vaccinated, and over 80% of seniors have taken the jab.[1] Hospitals are telling their employees that over 70% of staff have been vaccinated and at least one airline reports that almost all pilots have been vaccinated. The state-controlled media reports daily that the vaccine rate is very high – just not high enough, which is why continued pressure is needed to convince more people to get in line and get the jab. These reports have led many unvaccinated people to conclude that they are in the minority.

But something is not quite right. If the vaccine rate is really so high, why is there so much hysteria about getting more people vaccinated? The reason government officials are applying so much pressure is that they are panicked. The vaccine uptake is significantly lower than they have reported, and it seems that almost no matter what they do, it won’t budge.

Click on the link for the rest.

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