
Family doctor blows the CDC’s Big Lies to smithereens before his local school board (MUST-WATCH)

This guy should be doing Fauci’s job, when the latter’s standing trial for fraud and murder.
(Check out the other pieces here as well.)

Functional Family Medicine Physician Gives Local School Board a Science Lesson on Viruses. August 9, 2021. This is Dr. Daniel Stock, a functional family medicine physician at Noblesville, Indiana, trained in immunology and inflammation regulation. Here he gives the Mt. Vernon Community School Board a lesson on viruses, as well as the advice they rely upon from the State Board of Health and the CDC. Be inspired. video (6 min 34 secs) by a : Posted Everything being recommended by the CDC and NIH and the state board of health are contrary to the rules of science. The CDC/NIH/state board of health don’t bother to read science and are giving very bad guidance. These vaccines have made the immune system deranged. Why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective having a breakout in the middle of the summer when respiratory diseases do not break out? It’s called antibody mediated viral enhancement… You cannot stop spread. You cannot stop it with a vaccine. Active loading with vitamin D, zinc, and Ivermection — no one goes near the hospital.

As a reminder that the Covid vaccines do not work:

Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized Fully Vaccinated. August 6th 2021. More and more vaccinated people are becoming sick with the very illness they’re supposed to be protected against.

Global Bombshell! Israel & Australia Report All Covid Hospitalizations Are Vaccinated 8/6/21

Report: 14 Israelis have caught COVID-19 despite receiving booster shot. 8 August 2021. 14 Israelis have been infected with COVID-19 a week after receiving a booster shot.. 11 of those infected are over the age of 60 — two of whom have now been hospitalized.

As a reminder that the CDC/FDA’s recommendations are murderous:

DEPOPULATION BY ANY MEANS. DR BRYAN ARDIS, REINER FUELLMICH, WOLFANG WODARG. July 30, 2021. Remdesivir was known since Ebola, to cause multiple organ failure, kidney failure, septic shock, and to, thus, kill patients. Yet, the CDC only approved the use of the drug Remdesivir, and no other, for hospitalized COVID patients!

Gilead’s remdesivir has ‘little or no effect’ on COVID-19 recovery or mortality: WHO by Arlene Weintraub, Oct, 2020

Fauci’s Remdesivir: Inadequate to Treat COVID-19 and Potentially Lethal. An Analysis of the Science and Politics By Peter R. Breggin, MD and Ginger Ross Breggin May 14, 2020

No Survival or Other Benefit for Remdesivir in COVID-19 by Molly Walker, Associate Editor, MedPage October, 2020 “Unpromising overall findings” in major independent study

Yet, FDA approves Remdesivir

Kathy Dopp, Natick, Mass., MS mathematics
Science is my passion, politics my duty (Thomas Jefferson, paraphrased)

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