Latest compilation from R.S.:
Record Coral At Great Barrier Reef Shames Alarmists And Media
Like all other data on the reef, this shows it is in robust health. For example, coral growth rates have, if anything, increased over the past 100 years, and measurements of farm pesticides reaching the reef show levels so low that they cannot be detected with the most ultra-sensitive equipment.
Like all other data on the reef, this shows it is in robust health. For example, coral growth rates have, if anything, increased over the past 100 years, and measurements of farm pesticides reaching the reef show levels so low that they cannot be detected with the most ultra-sensitive equipment.
This data is good news. It could hardly be better.
But somehow, our science organizations have convinced the world that the reef is on its last legs. How has this happened?
We expect this of course. Wonder what else will start leaking out?
Majority Of Hospitalized Covid Patients In UK Only Tested Positive After Admission: Leaked NHS Data
Over half of those hospitalized with Covid-19 in the UK only tested positive after admission – suggesting that “vast numbers are being classed as hospitalised by Covid when they were admitted with other ailments, with the virus picked up by routine testing,” according to The Telegraph, citing leaked government figures.
“It creates an impression that all these people are going into hospital with Covid, and that simply is not the case. People are worried and scared and not really understanding the true picture – that is what I find despicable,” one NHS data expert told the Telegraph.
Wonder how many US Covid hospitalizations were only diagnosed post-admission, keeping in mind of course that US hospitals are paid more for Covid patients under the CARES Act.
Hopefully India’s leaders will be smart enough to listen to them.
Urgent Plea by Doctors to India’s PM: “Halt Roll-Out of COVID-19 Vaccines Now”
Four recent studies indicate that almost 99.9% of the population have immune system memory from previous coronavirus infections and that, whether the actual coronavirus infection or the vaccine, the immune system gets activated and vaccines in fact can be more harmful in an already immune population.
Rapid and efficient memory-type immune responses occur reliably in virtually all unvaccinated individuals who are exposed to SARS-CoV-2. The effectiveness of further boosting the immune response through vaccination is therefore highly doubtful. Vaccination may instead aggravate disease through antibody-dependent enhancement.
Mark Crispin Miller who taught a course on propaganda at NYU for over 20 years, is interviewed about what has been happening over the past 18 months.
“2020 and 2021 have comprised a global propaganda spectacle of unprecedented scale and sophistication.” – 30 minutes
The Interviewee: Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University. His research interests include modern propaganda, history and tactics of advertising, American film, and media ownership. He is the author of Boxed In: The Culture of TV; Seeing Through Movies; Mad Scientists: The Secret History of Modern Propaganda; Spectacle: Operation Desert Storm and the Triumph of Illusion; and The Bush Dyslexicon.
Bet you won’t hear agout this on the MSM
Police Stand Down at Freedom Day in Melbourne, Australia – 9 minutes
Avi Yemini has great coverage of the Freedom Day rally in Melbourne, Australia.
It was HUGE.
So big that police were embarrassingly overwhelmed and had to stand down.
It was peaceful with people from all walks of life.
Another excellent Tucker. Pointing out hypocracy in a ways that are indisputable.
Tucker Carlson: Vaccine Passports Are Coming – 32 minutes
This was supposed to be over and done.
I think the Biden administration is going to find out that it has exhausted the well of good will. There are people who wear the mask and trumpet their vaccinated status to signal their progressive identity. There are an equally large number of anti-vaxxers and people who refused to wear masks on principle. There is an even bigger group caught in between who believe the virus is real and who aren’t really ideological and who don’t really care about the vaccine issue and got the vaccine because they were assured this was all that they had to do.
As Tucker points out in the previous article, this insanity cannot continue much longer.
Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated”
The official government narrative that the U.S. is facing a new “pandemic of the unvaccinated” continued this week, as the corporate media, the White House, and state governors all continued to blame the “unvaccinated” for rising cases of COVID-19 and the “delta” variant.
Of course the mythical “delta variant” is simply a computer model used to label people through fraudulent diagnostic testing, as we have previously covered
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