
Real journalist blows the whistle brilliantly on Fox 26 (Houston), for its complete corruption by Big Pharma’s ad revenues (MUST-SEE)

This piece by Project Veritas illuminates exactly how “our free press” maintains, and protects, the propaganda narrative, regardless of whatever harm the latter does its targets, or what those targets (We the People) want to know. We see how that narrative is not imposed overtly, but tacitly—unless you err by contradicting it, in which case they’ll stomp all over you.

Kudos to Ivory Hecker for her journalistic principles. I only wish we had a real news operation going here, since if we did I’d hire her in a heartbeat.

And, as well, kudos to Project Veritas for doing this great piece. (It’s going to be a problem for some people on “the left,” since they hate James O’Keefe, and yet in this case he’s going after Fox, which paradox might make their heads explode.)

One reply on “Real journalist blows the whistle brilliantly on Fox 26 (Houston), for its complete corruption by Big Pharma’s ad revenues (MUST-SEE)”

O’Keefe discovered that news programming is biased towards corporate donors? Shocker.
Isn’t this a type of limited hangout? The *real* story is that we’re in the middle of a war. The *cover* story is that MSM is innocently just trying to make a dime, “It’s a dying business, so they are just doing what they can to stay afloat.”
Any news outlet that covered your debate with Mark Dery would make a *killing.* Imagine if the MSM had heated arguments between RFK, Jr. and Sanjay Gupta! Sure, pharma might pull their advertising, but a *billion* people would start watching the news. Imagine if CNN hosted an honest, real 9/11Truth debate. Sure, the MIC might pull donations, but a *billion* people would tune in. It’s not about the money; that’s only a cover that grants plausible deniability, (they can just say it was all about the bottom line). It’s not about the bottom line. It’s about Bill Gates trying to kill all of us.

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