![]() 6/28/21 College Students against Mandates, a Zoom meeting moderated by Dr. Eric Feintuch featuring Cait Corrigan, Brad Greissman and Adam Brower and other college students, John Gilmore and Rita Palma College Students are now being forced to take an experimental “EUA” gene therapy which is being sold and “packaged” as a vaccine or as TV media likes to call – a “jab”! (Based on patents filed with the US patent office these “jabs” might end up delivering spike proteins which are “distributed” throughout the entire body, thus it defies the definition of a vaccine!) This, as well as, all the contradictory reports on real data in VAERS, might force the FDA to pull them off the market! Not everything is known, in spite of all the hype and an unprecedented, un-American, high tech assault on the freedom of speech via the use of “AI bots” and human “pharma and high tech influenced” fact checking services that are a direct assault on our form of democracy as well as a possible violation of our constitution rights -that if gone unchecked, will affect the way the US does government as well as business, with negative effects that may last for generations! So here are the facts, we have NO long term “jab” safety studies. They are years away from being completed yet college students are being targeted by the US government. Colleges and Universities all across America are being manipulated by the largest and most extensive Pharma lobbying effort in the history of the United States. The college students on tonight’s ZOOM are saying “NO” and you may want to say “NO” too! This is a very, very important discussion and it may help you create an organization in opposition to mandates at your college and/or help an existing college organization create a position/stance in opposition to mandatory shots, masks and social distancing! We hope this is a great way to help you determine a strategy with your family, that is consistent with our constitutional rights and which doesn’t violate your bodily autonomy and your inalienable g-d given rights! The battleground for the minds and hearts of today’s college students begins now, are you willing to fight? They are! You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Jun 29, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdOuhqz0sEtA0d3Z1Dqzlw3S8iH7lvt0n After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Jun 29, 2021 08:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Link to the zoom meeting held last week on Religious Exemptions from Covid-19 Mandates, with Dr. Eric Feintuch, Rev. Dr. Aaron Lewis, Rabbi Zev Epstein, Fr. Michael Copenhagen, John Gilmore. Rita Palma and Cait Corrigan can be found here: https://bit.ly/3hbThk4 |
One reply on “Calling all college students who will NOT get jabbed: A Zoom meeting tomorrow (6/29) on how to beat those “vaccine” mandates”
hi do u have a recording of the june 29 with cait corrigan – i have a college kid in calif ! i love cait! thank u! -Andrea in Ojai, CA