
Pfizer jab causing double vision.

From my old friend Terry Winkless (over 50 years ago, in the suburbs of Chicago, we were in a band called the Flaming Pies). The Pfizer jab left him with dyplopia—double vision. Terry just posted this on Erase-book:

Looking through the web with my double vision is paying dividends — I just found another guy suffering with double vision 10 days after getting the vaccine. Not the disease, but the vaccine for the disease. Like me he’s seen a slew of doctors who shrug and send him on. This fellow was down south, Louisiana, also got the Pfizer… at this rate we’ll have a quorum. Not a club I’m enjoying being a member of.

2 replies on “Pfizer jab causing double vision.”

Horrible, but not surprising. Actually, that should be “diplopia,” not “dyplopia.” 😉

I’ve heard other terrible tales of vision impairment too. 🤨

1. I’m so sorry for your friend. I had the unfortunate (non-covid) experience a few days ago of waiting for three hours in the urgent care lounge. All of these young people would go up to the counter, “yeah I don’t know what happened! My eyes are very swollen and painful…yes, I got the vaccine a few weeks ago…”
2. The Flaming Pies!! What instrument? Lemme guess…either keys or lead guitar. Definitely not bass or drums. Not sax or rhythm guitar….yup, goin with lead guitar/ backup vocals.

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