
Stop the presses! Daily Mail RESPECTFULLY reports the possibility that 9/11 WAS “an inside job”

2 replies on “Stop the presses! Daily Mail RESPECTFULLY reports the possibility that 9/11 WAS “an inside job””

9/11 is the biggie, not because it’s more important than other SCADs (State Crimes Against Democracy…DeHaven-Smith’s *Conspiracy Theory in America*), but because it’s so ridiculously obvious, compared to magic bullets or Gulf of Tonkin Signal Int, etc.. 9/11Truth could bring down the corrupt establishment faster than WTC7.
The third rail is comparing Covid to 9/11…that’s a big no no, for obvious reasons.

I am skeptical about the official narrative for the whole event, although having an architectural background, I found the official explanation for the buildings’ collapse plausible. The two competing theories are not necessarily mutually exclusive, however.

If there is evidence of thermite in the rubble, it could be that the perpetrators did not want to take a chance on a less spectacular partial collapse, and laced the buildings with explosives just to make sure of the intended impact on the public.

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