I have nothing to add to this commentary by John Kirby, other than to make the should-be-obvious point that face shields offer no protection against respiratory viruses; so that even if babies were susceptible to SARS-COV-2, those coverings would do them no good.
Another shining example of “following the science”, even when that “science” utterly defies rationality, human dignity, basic survival, and, indeed, actual science.
Any descendants we may have will look back on masking, distancing, and experimental (but becoming compulsory) gene therapy injections with no less incredulity and disgust as we regard gas chambers, crucifixions, and human sacrifice.
Or doctor’s advertising cigarettes.
Here is a short video of racks of newborns in preposterous-but-traumatizing face shields:
And here are some twitter postings of utterly brainwashed parents virtuously if sadistically isolating their own healthy children just because someone at their kid’s school “tested positive” (with the test that its inventor said should not be a test). Some of the parents discuss having kept their kid away from outside human contact for a year.
We know kids are not a vector for whatever this is. Why are we torturing them? Why do we suddenly feel massive corporations and their government agencies have our best interests at heart when they insist we destroy ourselves to be safe?
One reply on “Newborns in face shields”
I saw a baby in a face shield last year, but different from the type shown in the video on Twitter. A girl. She was crying. I felt bad for her. I am not entirely sure if it was due to her parents being duped by the propagandemic, but I couldn’t think of any other reason for it. The insanity is off the charts.