If you think the real power centers in the US are the Proud Boys, 4Chan & Boogaloos rather than the CIA, FBI, NSA, Wall Street and Silicon Valley, and spend most of your time battling the former while serving the latter as stenographers, your journalism is definitionally shit.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 16, 2021
One reply on “Glenn Greenwald says it all about the crap churned out by “liberal” journalists”
All true, but he’s onboard with the “COVID vaccine” narrative. Also, his foundation betrayed Julian Assange – though he continues to call himself a supporter, and purports to speak on his behalf
“Regardless of your COVID politics, what’s happening in Brazil is utterly tragic. Huge numbers of people dying every day of a disease for which there is a safe and effective vaccine.” – Glenn Greenwald, 23 March 2021