
New list of signatories to my petition (and two further notable names)

I just sent this to President Hamilton:

Dear President Hamilton,

Attached please find a new list of signatories, which has been corrected to eliminate some duplicates and spurious names.

Permit me to add here that I neglected to note two other eminent signatories, both with past connections to the university.

> Teri McLuhan, a filmmaker who has twice visited my course, “The Culture Industries,” worked with the Canadian Consulate to establish an Annual Lecture honoring the legacy and spirit of her father, Marshall McLuhan; and, because of his close friendship with Neil Postman, she arranged to have one of those lectures given at NYU, under the auspices of what is now the Department of Media, Culture and Communication, which Neil long served as chair.  

> Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese dissident known as “the barefoot lawyer,” was, as you are certainly aware, granted temporary residence at NYU after having found asylum in the US embassy in Beijing. Believing, as he does, that “academic freedom is something we must treasure” (as his assistant told me), he was more than glad to sign.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Mark Crispin Miller   

One reply on “New list of signatories to my petition (and two further notable names)”

You have a lot of support Marc, keep fighting for justice and freedom…

Your interview with the 21st Century guys was great, keep them coming!

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