Who knew that Bill Binney is a white supremacist?
(Not that many people, since his observation has gone unreported everywhere, except for the (white-supremacist) Gateway Pundit.)
Who knew that Bill Binney is a white supremacist?
(Not that many people, since his observation has gone unreported everywhere, except for the (white-supremacist) Gateway Pundit.)
7 replies on “Biden claims 13 million more votes than there were eligible voters: “Simple math” noted by Bill Binney”
Hi, I just listened to your guest appearance on the Red Scare (my husband is a regular listener, I am not). I was quite interested in what you had to say….but was taken aback by your assertion that the 2020 election was stolen. So I decided to look you up in an effort to find your evidence for this assertion. I came upon this post and read the article you linked to. I can’t really wrap my head around this article, and I wanted to hear a reaponse directly from you, especially since I just spent more than an hour listening to you on a podcast and found you to be extremely smart and well-spoken, with many points that I found quite intriguing. So Bill Binney notes the voter turnout percentage (as noted by the WaPo if I recall), and he then proceeds to note how many voters that would amount to, based on current voters registrations (so, we must operate under the assumption that WaPo’s percentage is accurate, and then that these voters registrations are also accurate – that’s problematic for me on its own, but for the sake of discussion, we will assume it is accurate). And then he says (and this is where I simply do not follow), that *if we subtract Trump’s 72M votes*, the balance does not equal Biden’s supposed vote total. This is the crux of his argument. Now why would we assume that Trump’s number is accurate, but Biden’s was not? That makes zero logical sense to me as the basis of an argument. I could make the exact same opposite argument if I simply assume Biden’s vote total is accurate, but Trump’s doesn’t then add up. Now I did hear you say that *nobody* was excited to vote for Biden on the ppdcast…so if this is your logic, I would respond simply personally and anecdotally here: While I wasn’t personally excited by him, I was EXTREMELY excited to vote for anybody who wasn’t Donald Trump. Everybody in my personal orbit (aside from maybe 1 or 2 specific people) were the same. When I spoke to friends in other states (since I am in Los Angeles, and in a bubble), they said they saw tons of Biden signs in MI, WI, GA, MI (these are direct friends who were in those states at the time or who had family in those states at the time). On the other hand, I had three friends tell me that in OH it was virtually all Trump signs (one friend was driving through Ohio, the other two are from Ohio and their family still lives there). This kind of stuff is anecdotal, and really not the basis for a clear argument, but I wanted to understand how you found this article to be relevant in a meaningful way, because like I said, I did find value in a lot of the things you had to say on the podcast.
This whole theory hinges on a misinterpretation of “voting-eligible population” (almost all citizens over the age of 18) and confusing it with “registered voters” (a much smaller number of people). The Washington Post chart that was referenced refers to voting-eligible population while the “simple math” uses registers voters, which would obviously result in a smaller number.
Mistake or purposeful miscalculation?
While appearing as a guest in the Red Scare podcast, you mentioned that you will welcome any corrections to your statements, so here goes:
First of all, in Bill Binney’s tweet linked above, he is referring to registered voters, not eligible voters, like you wrote here.
Professor Michael McDonald of University of Florida, who runs the nonpartisan elections data website US Elections Project, estimates the number of voting eligible population (VEP) to be 239, 247, 182 (source: http://www.electproject.org/2020g).
The voting turnout is usually calculated from the VEP (like in the Washington Post’s article referenced in the article you linked here), not the registered voter population, which is a significantly lower number, also mentioned in Binneys tweet (212 million).
Now if we use the 66,2% voter turnout on the estimated number of the VEP population (239 million), we see that this “simple math” is quite simple indeed:
239, 247, 182 x 0,662 = 158, 381, 634
When we take this number (158 million) and compare it to the total number of votes cast (159 million) we see that they are very close indeed, close enough considering that the VEP population is an estimate. Considering Biden won the election by around 7 million votes (81 million to 74 million) this margin of error is acceptable.
So there is in fact no mathematical problems here whatsoever, and you (and Binney) are – in the best case – incredibly lazy on your sources or – in the worst case – intentionally spreading propaganda, and I take it the irony is not lost on that.
Best regards,
Diego Felgueroso
Great work Bill! The truth will come out!
There is a difference between the number of eligible voters and number of registered voters. In 2020 there were 158,240,239 votes cast for President. Binney’s number is fictitious. That equates to approx 66.1% of the Voting Eligible Population (VEP) which does not take into consideration the registration status of those voters. The VEP will always be a higher number than the registered voter number. “Simple Math”. Biden got approx 81M votes and Trump got approx 74M. Jo Jorgensen got approx 2M. http://www.electproject.org/2020g
Per USA Today the number of registered voters in the 2020 election has not yet been officially determined by the Census Bureau so any figures being put out now are guesswork, promulgated by a few Twitter and Facebook posts – a Twitter account called MSM Fact Checking has done this but is not responding to any inquiries about its’ tweets at this point. These tweets and posts have been picked up by various parties, apparently including Binney and Gateway Pundit. As of 1/1/21 it’s officially determined there were around 159 million votes cast in the 2020 Presidential election, out of known 239 million eligible voters, which is not the same as registered voters.
Here’s how 2016 shook out per USA Today, as reference:
224 million American citizens age 18 or older, aka eligible voters
157 million registered voters
137.5 million voted
This was back in 2016. It is unlikely that in 2020, a historically contested election with record turnout, all these numbers would not be much larger.
And just to comment, Mr Miller, I’ve always had a positive regard for you, I’m devoted to the Forbidden Bookshelf project and learned a ton from those books, but I have to say I’ve found many (but not all!) of the posts on your website a bit woolly. But that said, I *do not* think you deserve to be canned, or censored, or cancelled, and I’m signing your petition!
The article you link has a major flaw.
The author uses the numbers for the election as if they were a percentage of registered voters. It was actually stats based on VEP(voter eligible population) which is as described……(VEP) represents an estimate of persons eligible to vote regardless of voter registration status in an election.
So thats why the numbers are so far off.. the author of the article uses a completely different population for his numbers than is used in calculating the percentage in the Washington Post image he references.