
Another testimonial from a former student

Hello Prof Miller,

My name is Xiandro Lesende, and you probably don’t remember me as I am a former student of yours from the early 2000’s. I took your propaganda class, ILA class, and graduate media criticism seminar that you allowed me to take as an undergrad. I just finished reading the posted emails from your students and they sounded so familiar, as I had a similar experience when I was your student. In fact, during my time at NYU you were the single greatest influence on my thinking and intellectual development. You helped to foster an intellectual curiosity that I didn’t even know I posessed. For that I thank you and am eternally grateful. 

That said, the real reason I am contacting is that I am fully aware of your situation with NYU, which I find disgraceful. In fact, I am personally offended by what is being done to you, and will make this clear in an email to the dept chair as well as the dean of the school. If there should be any other way I could be of service regarding this matter please advise, and it will be my pleasure to help. Thank you in advance.

Your student,

Xiandro Lesende

One reply on “Another testimonial from a former student”

I’m really glad to see this. Just a few months ago, a professor from my university was publicly “cancelled” for many of his conservative statements. He was known for his controversial beliefs and was not the most well liked person around school. The university had tried to fire him in the past unsuccessfully. After he was “cancelled” over the summer, with petitions being signed for his firing, he reached a retirement deal with the school. Shortly after, he committed suicide. It was quite shocking for many people. It was absolutely disgraceful what happened to him. Even though I disagreed with much of what he said, I supported his right to say them, especially given that he was one of few openly conservative professors on campus. I did agree with him on much of what he had been saying about the pandemic. He was a fierce defender of free speech and was my roommate’s mentor as well. She’s been quite affected by his passing. I hope people continue to support you, whether it’s by agreeing with what you say, or just supporting your right to say them.

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