Categories NFU The spectacle of Biden’s “acceptance speech” was like a Bizarro version of “Sesame Street,” with him as a demented Muppet, and a “diverse” (virtual) assembly of “grown-up” Democrats clapping like a lot of damaged children Post author By MCM Post date August 20, 2020 No Comments on The spectacle of Biden’s “acceptance speech” was like a Bizarro version of “Sesame Street,” with him as a demented Muppet, and a “diverse” (virtual) assembly of “grown-up” Democrats clapping like a lot of damaged children Grotesque much? Note how he and Jill put on their masks after his mini-speech. Tags Biden ← NIH officials will make millions off the COVID-19 vaccine that they’re busy scaring millions into taking (with the unconscionable help of “our free press”) → WHO’S COVID-19 PCR test primer sequence is found in ALL human DNA Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.