He must be getting some unpleasant pushback from the masses whom he’s planning to exterminate.
I have a couple good ideas:
1) Demand that he release his children’s vaccination records, and thereby put to rest the rumor that he wouldn’t have THEM vaccinated.
2) Since he recently slammed “anti-vaxxers like Robert Kennedy, Jr.” for leaving All Of Us defenseless against COVID-19, we should mount a campaign to urge him to debate RFK, Jr., as Alan Dershowitz did.
Article link: https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2020-bill-gates-covid-vaccine/
That’s something we should see; but we certainly won’t, since Gates is too thin-skinned and arrogant to debate anyone, much less such a formidable mind as Bobby, who’d crush him in a proper give-and-take. Gates prefers the softball interview, and forums where he’s treated as a god, to any real discussion of his program, and his atrocious record as a vaccine-pusher the world over. (This was just reconfirmed by his new inaccessibility on Twitter.)
Anyway, it never hurts to ask.