I think this went really well. It was great talking to them both. (Maybe this should be downloaded?)
Year: 2020
A predictably slanted article—HALF the healthcare workers in Riverside County isn’t “some”; and that “scientific data backing the vaccines” does not exist. But the gist here is what matters.
Article link:
Ice Age Farmer’s harrowing update, as pigs (like minks) are now going to be slaughtered en masse, as they’re “susceptible” to COVID-19; and free range chickens have been outlawed in the UK:
And here’s a pertinent essay, from 2007, by William Engdahl:
Better download this ASAP.
The right happens to be right this time, regardless of one’s view of Trump (and my own is a very dim one). This is about the will of the electorate, period.
It would take a dedicated staff to track all such evidence. My thanks to Tom Breidenbach for sending these examples.
So much for disinterested medical research, undertaken to make people well.
Hippocrates is spinning in his grave.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Salmon reported receiving grants from Walgreens and Merck and personal fees from Merck and Janssen. Dr Larson reported receiving grants from Merck and GlaxoSmithKline and honoraria from Merck for serving on a vaccine confidence advisory board and from GlaxoSmithKline for speaking at staff training sessions. No other conflicts were reported. [Those are enough, thank you.]
Article link: