That the CDC is rotten with corruption, a racket that has long served corporate predators like Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and Coca-Cola, is a fact unknown to most, because “our free press” has ignored it, and the Trump-vs-Fauci/Gates pro wrestling match has the whole “Resistance” brainlessly assuming that the CDC must be as Good as Trump is Bad.
All in all, Gardasil is working wonders for the eugenicists at Merck, as it’s also causing widespread infertility.
(Better download this one.)
That’s over four times as many deaths as those (allegedly) caused by the coronavirus: 45,318, as of today; and, of course, if we subtract all those who died with the coronavirus, not of it, as well as those deceased only “presumed” to have had it at all, the toll of those killed by the lockdown is more shocking still, requiring that its advocates—and those who’ve funded them—be held accountable.
Article link: