A good piece, which further fleshes out that evil than Gov. Cuomo did. (It doesn’t so far as to suggest that elderly residents were deliberately allowed to die, to make way for more, and therefore more federal funds; but it’s a solid and important piece of real reporting.)
If you have a few hours, watch this free film ‘holy silence’ about the Cath Church’s role before, during and after WWII. It features incredible rare footage of the then very popular but incredibly anti-semitic Father Coughlin (had a 5 million radio show audience), and Pope XI and XII.
Very interesting.
You have to register, but once you have registered, then you can stream the film for free, it was just released few weeks ago. It has been extended to aug 24th.
There is an interview with the filmmaker too.
Dear ______,
If you haven’t watched the film, Holy Silence is available to stream until Saturday, August 22.