
Attention, Californians! CASE NUMBER for reporting “vaccine” deaths as MURDERS, “vaccine” injuries as CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

From a subscriber:


Similar to the criminal case that was recently filed at a Police Station in the UK against the vaccines and those imposing them, there is now a case filed in the US!!! 😀😀😀

The Sonoma County Sheriff has officially opened a criminal investigation into the charges of MURDER and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY regarding the Covid injections.

The case # is 220125009

Anyone who has experienced adverse effects to the ‘vaccines’ or has relatives that have been injured or killed by the ‘vaccines’, can now report it as evidence of a crime.

PLEASE help get this information out to the people of California‼️

Do not contact them for any other reason than to report adverse effects – their office will soon be inundated.

Now that there is a case  number, individuals can also call up doctors’ offices, clinics and vaccination centres to let them know they may be held personally liable for conducting crimes against humanity to the FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW by issuing or even recommending these injections to anyone going forward.

(Info from Michelle Ford)


Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested AGAIN, this time by undercover cops

More here:

“Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been arrested once again by police at his Calgary home this morning, just as he was set to leave to speak before a crowd of pro-freedom protesters in Milk River, Alberta.

According to Artur Pawlowski’s son, the arrest was made by an undercover SWAT team that had staked out his home.”

This is to shut him down in furtherance of the government’s repression of the truckers, in whose support he has been speaking out most powerfully.


The Rogan “n-word” video is a professional hit


DHS declares a “heightened terrorism threat” posed by “conspiracy theories” and (what they call) “misinformation”

These “Democrats” are outright fascists.

Biden DHS Declares Heightened Terrorism Threat

By Jack Phillips

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Feb. 7 declared a heightened terrorism threat due to “false and misleading narratives,” misinformation, and “conspiracy theories.”

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors,” the DHS bulletin said.

The agency did not say what foreign or domestic actors are responsible for the alleged proliferation of misinformation or disinformation.

“Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation,” the DHS continued, adding that some individuals are seeking to “sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.”

Some individuals, the bulletin alleged, are calling for violence against critical infrastructure, faith-based institutions like churches or synagogues, colleges, government personnel or facilities, and other targets.


GoFundMe removed fundraiser for dying Texas sheriff’s deputy after his wife posted about Ivermectin


The Great Purge of Medicine continues: Tom Cowan, “conspiracy theory doctor,” delicensed in California


Where’s the outrage?? Joe Rogan has shot and killed triceratops, for SPORT!

Joe Rogan Is Finished!


The elite gathers its forces against the truckers

The Elite Gathers Its Forces for a Counterattack on the Truckers

February 6, 2022 

The Elite Gathers Its Forces for a Counterattack on the Truckers

Paul Craig Roberts

There are reports that the Ottawa police, faithful servants, not of the people, but of the ruling elite, are attempting to prevent food and water and all “material support” from reaching the Truckers. In other words, the ruling elite is making an effort to starve out the truckers.

Click on the link for the rest.


Take a look at Coutts, Alberta

If only we were privy to the globalists’ discussion of what they might do to make this go away.


On the “moon landing,” and the urgency of (somehow) exposing it as fake, at long last

As we struggle to survive the media’s staggering Big Lies—for what we don’t know certainly can hurt us—I strongly recommend Sibrel’s new book, Moon Man.