CDC Study Falsifies Definitions to Cover Up Vaccine Deaths Shown by Autopsies
Seeking to blunt numerous emerging autopsy studies by top pathologists which conclude that the COVID vaccines are killing people, Reuters and other “debunkers” cite a study, by scientists affiliated with Kaiser Permanente, which concludes that, if anything, vaccinated persons have lower all-cause death rates than unvaccinated. That study seems to contradict any assertion that the vaccines are not “safe and effective.”
But the study cited by Reuters does not mention the audacious CDC definition of what constitutes an “unvaccinated” death: someone for whom 14 days has not yet passed since their final “primary series” shot. Data shows that one-third of unexpected deaths after vaccination takes place within 48 hours, after receiving a shot.
This means that anyone who took a COVID vaccine shot, walks out, and falls over dead on the street of a heart attack or stroke is counted as a death of an “unvaccinated” person.
The study cited in the Reuters article is “COVID-19 Vaccination and Non-COVID-19 Mortality Risk.”

World-Class Pathologists Report Bizarre Attacks on Organs by the Body’s Own Immune System
In the German pathology conference series attacked by Reuters, Doctors Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang report never-before-seen immune system attacks on the body’s own organs.
The webpage for the 2nd Pathology Conference on Dec. 4, 2021 in Berlin, Germany, said of Dr. Burkhardt’s findings:
“The findings confirm Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher’s finding that among more than 40 corpses he autopsied who had died within two weeks of COVID19 vaccination, approximately one-third of those deaths were caused by the vaccination.”
Dr. Arne Burkhardt has taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. He has published more than 150 scientific articles in German and international scientific journals, and has audited and certified institutes of pathology in Germany.
Prof. Dr. Walter Lang was a pathologist at the Hannover Medical School from 1968-1985. Afterwards, for 25 years, Lang directed a private institute for pathology, which he founded, specializing in transplant pathology, extragynecological cytology, thyroid tumors, and lung/pleural pathology.
The Epoch Times reported on September 22, 2021 (click on Google translate from German to English):
“The doctors suspect autoimmune phenomena, reduction in immune capacity, acceleration of cancer growth, vascular damage “endothelitis”, vasculitis, perivasculitis and erythrocyte “clumping” as further corona vaccination side effects with potential fatal consequences…Burkhardt described it as “extreme” that among the ten deceased examined, three very rare autoimmune diseases were found, namely Sjögren’s syndrome, leukoclasic vasculitis of the skin and Hashimoto’s disease.”
The Epoch Times wrote:
“[Burkhardt] can only think of one term for what [he] has been investigating with his colleagues over the past few months – “lymphocyte amok”, potentially in all tissues and all organs.“
In it’s official statement on the autopsy findings, Doctors for COVID Ethics, a co-sponsor of the symposium, writes:
“A natural infection with SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) will in most individuals remain localized to the respiratory tract. In contrast, the vaccines cause cells deep inside our body to express the viral spike protein, which they were never meant to do by nature. Any cell which expresses this foreign antigen will come under attack by the immune system, which will involve both IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. This may occur in any organ. We are seeing now that the heart is affected in many young people, leading to myocarditis or even sudden cardiac arrest and death….
Doctors for COVID Ethics concludes:
We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection. While no positive effects can be expected, we show that the vaccines can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death….
Recent insurance company data for the US and other countries shows an unprecedented rise in all-cause mortality since the roll-out of the COVID vaccines, as much as 40%. This would put the US on track for 1.4 million more deaths of all causes than usual by the end of 2022. Normally about 3 million people die in the US every year.
Burkhardt and Lang’s Findings Support Dr. Peter Schirmacher‘s, Director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg
The UK Daily Expose writes:
“The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who died within two weeks of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine and has expressed alarm over his findings.
Schirmacher stated that 30 to 40 per cent of people he examined died from the vaccine and that in his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is “underestimated.”…He has warned that the high number of unreported cases of vaccination deaths is partially due to the fact that “pathologists do not notice anything about most of the patients who die after and possible from a vaccination.”
German News Site Augsburg General (right-click to use Google translate from German to English):
“The doctor now wants to get to the bottom of the rare, serious side effects of vaccination – such as cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases. The problem from his point of view: Vaccinated people usually do not die under clinical observation. “The doctor examining the corpse does not establish any context with the vaccination and certifies a natural death and the patient is buried,” reports Schirmacher. “Or he certifies an unclear manner of death and the public prosecutor sees no third-party fault and releases the body for burial.””
The UK Daily Expose:
“Despite the criticism, Schirmacher did receive support from his own ranks, and the Federal Association of German Pathologists stated that more autopsies of vaccinated people who died within a certain time frame after vaccination should be performed….The Federal Association of Pathologists already requested this in March in a letter to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), but it went unanswered.”
Reuters “Experts” Include a Veterinarian
For other “experts,” the Reuters hit piece on Burkhardt and Lang dredges up a veterinarian, Professor Neil Mabbot, to snipe that he would be “very surprised” if their statement on their findings, which he calls a “preprint,” passes review, even though the statement is not presented as a formal scientific paper. Another “expert” quoted is Prof. Kevin McConway, emeritus professor of applied statistics at the Open University, an online college. Concern is expressed over the size of the sample of cadavers, even though the pathologists conducting the studies have never claimed that they had a statistically conclusive sample. They claim their findings are already alarming enough to call a halt to all further vaccinations, and warrant further study.
An excellent video with Prof. Norman Fenton of Queen Mary University on how flawed data and definitions are used to fool the public is HERE.
A full transcript of the third in the conference series, held in February 2022, has been published by Children’s Health Defense, HERE. Video below.
Below: September 20th, 2021, Conference at Pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany, “Cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination & Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines“ (view at Bitchute)
Below: Full “Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: Interdisciplinary Symposium”December 4, 2021
Official site, December 4, 2021, 2nd Pathology Conference
Compilation on Pathology Conference Series: When Correlation DOES Equal Causation: Autopsies Show COVID Vaccines Are Killing People
In the December 4th presentation of the series, the pathologists said they had shown their findings to the leaders of their professional organizations, but had encountered what could only be described as “corruption.” Professor Dr. Walter Lang showed his letter of resignation from the German Pathological Association, of which he was an early member, in protest of this “corruption.”
Dr. Lang concluded that the leader of the group was interested only in “burying” his findings, “along with the dead.”
Dr. Lang said the medical establishment was now “monstrous.” He said that UK data showed people who had been vaccinated were more likely to catch COVID than those who had not, referencing the chart below, and that “vaccination is useless, it doesn’t protect you.” (Other sources, vaccinated vs. unvaccinated cases and deaths)
Below: Chart presented in September 20 Pathology Conference, showing COVID positive tests in UK per 100,000 in population for a recent time period, vaccinated (RED BARS) versus unvaccinated (BLUE BARS), for different age ranges. In lowest ages range, under 18, data is limited.

The findings in the German pathology series come after doctors and scientists have long called for a halt to the mass roll-out of the substances long before Phase III clinical trials are complete, which is at the earliest the end of 2022, and say that too little is known about the mRNA spike protein”s long-term effects in the body. [Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. ]
These warnings include that of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi in July of 2021, video below. Dr. Bhakdi is Professor emeritus of the University of Mainz, where he served as the chair of the department of medical microbiology and hygiene from 1991 to 2012. From 1990 to 2012, he served as Editor in Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. In 2001 he was awarded the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology.
In a video last July, Dr. Bhakdi warns of the precise type of damage to organs that pathologists are now reporting (below.)
Dr. Bhakdi warning about mRNA injections in July 2021 (view at Bitchute)
Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Burkhardt have authored a joint statement, entitled “On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable
evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination,” posted at Doctors for Covid Ethics.
The September 20th conference opened up with an analysis of the sheer numbers of reports of deaths following close after the injections, in the UK and the US. In the US by the end of 2021, the CDC’s official Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) logged 10,000% more deaths suspected of being related to the COVID injections than for all other types of vaccines combined, over 20,000 deaths.
Below: Reports to VAERS of vaccine deaths skyrocket since first COVID shot, 5,888 deaths in first 3 months of 2021. Sources: Village News, (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)

Click on the link for the rest.